By 2030, people over 65 in Germany, the
world’s third-largest economy, will account for almost half the adult
population, compared with one-fifth now. And unless the country’s birth rate
recovers from its present low of 1.3 per woman, over the same period its
population of under 35 will shrink about twice as fast as the older population
will grow. The net result will be that the total population, now 82 m, will
decline to 70 m - 73 m. The number of people of working age will fall by a full
quarter, from 40 m today to 30 m. The German demographics (人口统计) are far from exceptional. In Japan, the world’s second-largest economy, the population will peak in 2005, at around 125 m. By 2050, according to the more pessimistic government forecasts, the population will have shrunk to around 95 m. Long before that, around 2030, the s A. is exceptional to Germany B. has become universal C. can be relieved in Japan with the shrinkage of its population to around 95 m D. makes the economic outlook in the developed countries even more gloomy [多选题]MCU服务器是图像综合管理平台的核心控制设备,具备( )和转发等功能。(中)(音视频系统操作)
A.多级树状级联 B.流媒体分发 C.流媒体路由选择 D.图像合成 E.跨网传输 [填空题]唐后期出现的(),类似现代的汇票,是我国最早的汇兑制度。
[单选题]一般事故隐患,是指危害和整改难度较小,发现后能够( )整改排除的隐患。
A.立即 B.马上 C.尽快 D.短时间 [不定项选择题]中医的胎死宫内包衣不下,相当于西医学的哪种流产?( )
A.先兆流产 B.难免流产 C.不完全流产 D.完全流产 E.稽留流产 [填空题]
People buy it for their illness (病,疾病). [判断题]离心泵启动前,应关闭泵出口阀,减小启动功率,防止超载,启动后即启动泵出口阀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在中餐正餐服务中,客人点菜()分钟后,服务员应检查宾客的菜是否上齐,并及时跟催。
A. 10 B. 15 C. 30 D. 45 [判断题]根据《公证文书核实业务运营操作规程》规定,营业机构在审核与核实过程中发现公证文书系伪造、变造的,应当直接拒绝客户,视具体情况同时进行报案等相应处理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]发动机起动成功后,带载前,应怠速运行 ( )
A. 3-5分钟 B.15分钟 C. 20分钟 D.没有要求 [单项选择]少突胶质细胞病变常伴有( )
A. 软化灶形成 B. 少突胶质细胞瘤 C. 卫星现象 D. 髓鞘形成障碍 E. 星形胶质细胞瘤 [单选题]搬离可燃物的灭火方法是()。
A.A、窒息法 B.B、冷却法 C.C、隔离法 D.D、抑制法 [多选题]含有三氮唑环的药物是
A. 地西泮 B. 三唑仑 C. 艾司唑仑 D. 阿普唑仑 E. 氯硝西泮 [单选题] (中)( )党支部下列关于发展对象的材料中,( )不必报 基层党委预审。
A.入党申请书、思想汇报 B.参加支部主题党日活动情况 C.入党积极分子培养教育和考察情况 D.参加短期集中培训情况 [判断题]感应钎焊可用于钎焊碳素钢、不锈钢、铜及铜合金等。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]中、小容量同步发电机的冷却方式常采用(____)。
A.氢冷 B.双水内冷 C.强油循环冷却 D.风冷 [名词解释]雇员参与计划
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