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发布时间:2023-12-19 05:47:50

[单项选择]The storm caused {{U}}severe{{/U}} damage.
A. physical
B. accidental
C. serious
D. environmental

更多"The storm caused {{U}}severe{{/U}} "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The storm caused severe damage.

A. physical
B. accidental
C. serious
D. environmental
[单项选择]The storm caused {{U}}severe{{/U}} damage.
A. physical
B. accidental
C. environmental
D. serious
[单项选择]A potential problem which might be caused by the use of an artificial nose is______.

A. negligence of public safety
B. an abuse of personal freedom
C. a hazard to physical health
D. a threat to individual privacy
[单项选择]The decline of bus ridership in the U.S. is caused by ______.

A. the rise of bus fares
B. the increased number of private cars
C. the improvement of the commuter railroad service
D. the poor condition of the transportation infrastructure
[单项选择]Social evils were fundamentally caused by ______ unequality.
A. economy
B. economic
C. economics
D. economical
[单项选择]What caused the deposits

A. The hydrochloric acid broke the carbon bonds in tile carbon dioxide,
B. The magnesium oxide broke the carbon oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide.
C. The burning magnesium broke the carbon oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxide.
D. The gas collection method broke the carbon-oxygen bonds in the carbon dioxid
[单项选择]What caused photosynthesis to stop

A. Thousands of species died of starvation.
B. Earthquake and tidal waves.
C. Massive volcanic eruptions and forest fires.
D. Tons of dust and pulverized rock blasted into the atmosphere and blocked out sunlight.
[单项选择]What type of storm is it

A. Typhoon.
B. Tornado.
C. Thunder and rain.
D. Hurrican
[单项选择]How long did the storm last

A. One day.
B. Two days.
C. More than three days.
D. One week.
[单项选择]What had caused the mad rush

A. An explosion.
B. Rumors.
C. Gunshots.
D. Fightin
[单项选择]What has caused the pollution problem

A. Careless methods of production.
B. Lack of consumer demand for environment friendly products.
C. Millions of tons of glass, paper, plastic and metal containers are produced.
D. Both[A]
[单项选择]Their parents once lived under very severe conditions.( )
A. sound
B. hard
C. strict
D. tight
[单项选择]What have studies found out about severe pneumonia treatment
A. No medication works in developing countries.
B. It can be effectively treated at home with oral antibiotics.
C. It can only be treated in the hospital with injectable antibiotics.


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