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发布时间:2023-12-14 04:53:37

[单项选择]How (could) you make (such) a little child (to help) you (carry) the big box
A. could
B. such
C. to help
D. carry

更多"How (could) you make (such) a littl"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If you know what the trouble is, why don't you help them to ______ the situation
A. simplify
B. modify
C. verify
D. rectify
[单项选择]You're been so helpful! How can I make up to you

A. make it up to you
B. make you up
C. make up it for you
D. make up you
[单项选择]Next time you have a problem, think about how you can improve the situation instead of ______ all the negative aspects.
A. dwelling on
B. counting on
C. barking on
D. touching on
[单项选择]W: How was the job interview I think you make a good journalist(记者).
A. Well. My application was a journalist.
B. Well. I gave it up as I was a journalist.
C. Well. The interview is OK. But I want to be a journalist.
D. Well. The people interviewed were not very cooperativ
[单项选择]How time flies! You should make ______ use of your time.
A. best
B. the worst
C. good
D. the best
[单项选择]The little girl could not ( ) the attraction of the piece of the chocolate.
A. consist
B. persist
C. insist
D. resist
[单项选择]I hope you will keep me ______ of how you are getting on with your study.
A. inform
B. informing
C. informed
D. to informe
[填空题]Ever noticed how you seem to take longer to get over an illness if you take into 81. your bed for a few days instead of struggling on The reason, according to the leading American health magazine the Prevention, is that a whole range of bodily 82. functions begin to weak after as short a time as one day in bed. Muscle tissue 83. starts to break down,rob the body of important minerals and leading to substantial 84. weakness in just a few days;bones start to break down and lose calciums;the body 85. is able to use food efficiently; heart and blood vessels get weak after a couple 86. of days, which can lead to rise in pulse rate and a drop in blood volume; joint 87. stiffness and constipation are also common. “Prolonged bed rest is not to be 88. taken light,” says Dr Benjamin Natelson, professor of neurosciences at New 89. Jersey Medical School. And that’s why doctors these days make every effort to Getting patients up and moving as soon as possible after heart attacks and 90.
[单项选择]It was an awful accident. I wonder how you managed to without a scratch.

A. see through
B. come through
C. get through
D. break though
[单项选择]The little girl could not ______ the attraction of the piece of the chocolate.
A. consist
B. persist
C. insist
D. resist
[单项选择]How would you describe Sequoyah
A. Meek (温顺的).
B. Mad.
C. Backward.
D. Determined.
[单项选择]Make sure you ______your parents immediately after you arrive and so in this case they would not worry about you so much.
[单项选择]It is how you behave in difficulties ______ shows what you are really tike.
A. as
B. which
C. what
D. that
[单项选择]The little girl could not ______ her tears when her mother was dressing the wound.
A. hold out
B. hold up
C. hold back
D. hold forth


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