发布时间:2023-11-04 03:25:18

[单项选择]—It must be John who is in the office.
—I'm sure it ()be John. I saw him off at the railway station just twenty minutes ago.
A. won't
B. mustn't
C. can't
D. needn't

更多"—It must be John who is in the offi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—Are you coming to Jeff's party
—I'm not sure. I( ) go to the concert instead.
A. must
B. would
C. should
D. might
[单项选择]I'm not sure that I'll go to the concert. 1 ______ go.

A. may
B. must
C. need
D. will
[单项选择]I have not found my book yet. I'm not sure ( ) I could have done with it.
A. why
B. where
C. whether
D. what
[单项选择]I must remember ______ John that the garden needs watering.
A. reminded
B. reminding
C. to remind
D. to be reminded of
[单项选择]I am sure that chances are in favor of those who are always ready.
A. 我确信机会赞成没有时刻准备的人。
B. 我确信机会属于时刻准备着的人。
C. 我确信机会总是赞成经常准备的人。
D. 我确信机会对总是准备的人有恩惠。
[单项选择]I'm absolutely sure of his honesty.
A. 我绝对肯定他是诚实的。
B. 对于他的诚实,我是绝对肯定的。
C. 他的诚实,我是绝对肯定的。
D. 他是诚实的,对于这一点,我是绝对肯定的。
[单项选择]I am not sure whether I want to take this course; I may _________ for the first week to see if I like it.

A. sit on
B. sit in
C. sit down
D. sit up
[单项选择]I' m sure that our policy will not abruptly swing back and forth()
A. 我相信我国的政策决不会马上改变。
B. 我相信我国的政策不会一成不变。
C. 我相信我国的政策决不会突如其来地变来变去。
D. 我相信我国的政策不会突然摇摆不定。
[单项选择]I'm not quite sure how to get there. I'd better______a map.
A. watch
B. look up
C. consult
D. read
[单项选择]I'm not quite sure how to get there. I'd better()a map.
A. watch
B. look up
C. consult
D. read
[单项选择]I'm sure that they will () the game.
A. beat
B. succeed
C. success in
D. win
[单项选择]I wasn't sure whether I had come to () right office. There was no name on door.
A. a; /
B. the; a
C. a; the
D. the; the

Passage One
George Mason must rank with John Adams and James Madison as one of the three Founding Fathers who left their personal imprint(印记) on the fundamental law of the United States. He was the principal author of the Virginia Declaration of Rights, which, because of its early formation, greatly influenced other state constitutions framed during the Revolution and, through them, the Federal Bill of ]Rights of 1791.
Yet Mason was essentially a private person with very. little inclination for public office or the ordinary operation of politics beyond the country level. His appearances in the Virginia colonial and state legislatures were relatively brief, and not until 1787 did he consent to represent his state at a continental or national congress or convention. Politics was never more than a means for Masson. He was at all times a man of public spirit, but politics was never a way of life, never for long his central concern. It took a revolution to pry h
A. undertaken only when absolutely necessary
B. a fundamental and life long preoccupation
C. something he successfully avoided throughout his life
D. something to which he always wished to devote more time and attention


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