Research into self-awareness
consistently shows that most people think and speak highly of themselves. Time
and again, subjects see positive traits as more self-descriptive than negative
ones, they rate themselves more highly than they rate others, they rate
themselves more highly than they are rated by others, they overestimate their
contribution to team efforts, and they exaggerate their control over life
events. It’s not that we consciously flatter ourselves, either. The response is
more like a mindless reflex. In fact, when subjects are busy or distracted as
they make self-ratings, the judgments they come up with are quicker and even
more favorable. Most people also exhibit "unrealistic optimism", a tendency to predict a uniquely bright and rosy future for themselves. College students asked to predict their own future compared to that of their cl A. (A) people consider themselves to be better than others B. (B) people think they have more control of their lives than they really do C. (C) people think about themselves as often when they are busy as when they are not busy D. (D) people believe that their participation in a team is more important than the participation of others [单项选择]患儿,3个月。易激惹,烦躁多哭,夜寐不安,多汗,摇头擦枕,生长发育与同龄儿相同。X线骨骼检查正常。实验室检查:血清总钙及血磷偏低,钙磷乘积30,碱性磷酸酶稍有增高。初步诊断为维生素D缺乏性佝偻病,其分期是
A. 活动早期 B. 活动期 C. 恢复期 D. 后遗症期 E. 以上均非 [判断题]用右手握住导线,大拇指指向电流方向, 则其余四指所指的方向就是磁场的方向。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]律演讲是指以法律为内容的各种形式的演讲,包括()等。
A. 仲裁活动 B. 普及法律知识报告 C. 法律咨询 D. 法庭演讲 [判断题] 起管柱中必然产生抽吸压力,就必然发生溢流。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列各项中,符合城市维护建设税相关规定的是( )。
A. 跨省开采的油田应按照油井所在地适用税率缴纳城市维护建设税 B. 营业税纳税人跨省承包工程应按劳务发生地适用税率缴纳城市维护建设税 C. 流动经营的单位应随同缴纳“三税”的经营地的适用税率缴纳城市维护建设税 D. 代扣代缴的城市维护建设税应按照被扣缴纳税人所在地适用税率缴纳城市维护建设税 [判断题]-A-001 4 1 3
滑轮应保存在干燥的室内,并在所有传动部分涂油,防止锈蚀。 [T/] A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]妊娠期高血压疾病的基本病变是()。
A. 肾小动脉缺氧 B. 全身小动脉痉挛 C. 全身毛细血管缺氧 D. 全身动脉血管痉挛 E. 周围小血管阻力增加 [单选题]根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》,事故调查组()聘请有关专家参与调查。
A.应该 B.可以 C.不得 [单选题] ( )首次打破了信息存储和传递的时间、空间的限制。
A.印刷术的发明 B.文字的发明 C.电话、电视的发明和普及 D.信息技术的普及应用 [单项选择]某施工企业的承包了一水库除险加固的工程项目,项目经理为张伟,技术负责人为李平。负责该项目的监理单位总监理工程师为郑涛,负责该项目的项目法人为陈超。依据《水利工程建设安全生产管理规定》,()应当组织编制保证安全生产的措施方案。
A. 项目经理张伟 B. 技术负责人李平 C. 项目法人陈超 D. 监理单位总监理工程师郑涛 [单选题]施工特定行车时车站值班员应将当日实际( )号码通知司机。
A.维修调度命令 B.施工调度命令 C.停电调度命令 D.调度命令 [判断题]证券公司为期货公司提供中间介绍业务是指证券公司接受期货公司委托,为期货公司介绍客户参与证券交易并提供其他相关服务的业务活动。()
[单选题]单选题低温管道容易发生( )。、
A.疲劳失效 B.应力腐蚀 C.电腐蚀 D.脆性断裂 [单选题] 立、撤杆应设专人统一指挥。开工前,应交待施工方法、指挥信号和( )。
A.安全措施; B.技术措施; C.组织措施; D.应急措施。 我来回答: 提交