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发布时间:2024-02-02 18:50:12

[单项选择]Charles Ives's music was hardly popular with the broad public at the time it was written. The composer found it ______impossible to his music performed.

A. anything but
B. nothing but
C. none but
D. all but

更多"Charles Ives's music was hardly pop"的相关试题:

[单项选择]During the years he composed, Charles Ives was isolation from the music world; none of his major works was publicly performed.
[单项选择]Jane always enjoys ( ) to popular music at home on Friday evenings.

A. listening
B. to be listening
C. being listening
D. to listen
[单项选择]______ popular belief that classical music is too complex, it achieves a simplicity that only a genius can create.

A. Subject to
B. Contrary to
C. Familiar to
D. Similar to
[单项选择]The rock music made popular by the Beatles has been modified over the past two decades.
A. improved
B. changed
C. discovered
D. remembered
[单项选择]At first country music was popular mainly in the ______.

A. South
B. Northeast and West
C. factories in Midwest
D. South and Northeast
[单项选择]The government official can hardly find sufficient grounds ()his arguments in favor of the revision of the tax law
A. on which to base          
B. which to be based on
C. to base on which          
D. on which to be based
[单项选择]The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds ______ his arguments in favor of the new theory.

A. to be based on
B. to base on
C. which to base on
D. on which to base
[单项选择]Real policemen hardly recognize any resemblance(类同之处)between their lives and what they see on TV—if they ever get home in time. There are similarities, of course, but the cops (警官) don’t think much of them.
The first difference is that a policeman’s real life revolves round the law. Most of his training is in criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what evidence can be used to prove them in court. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more, he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down an alley after someone he wants to talk to.
Little of his time is spent in chatting to scanty-clad ( 穿衣不多的 ) ladies or in dramatic confrontations with desperate criminals. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilt or not—of stupid, petty crimes.
It is essential for a policeman to be trained in criminal law ______.
A. so that he can catch criminals in the streets
B. because many of the criminals he has to catch are dangerous
C. so that he can justify his arrests in court
D. because he has to know nearly as much about law as a professional lawyer
[单项选择]Policymakers in Brussels will hardly focus on another trade round () a euro member is about to go bankrupt.
A. then
B. than
C. as
D. when
[单项选择]The professor can hardly find sufficient grounds ______ his argument in favor of the new theory.
A. which to base on
B. on which to base
C. to base on which
D. which to be based on

Aimlessness has hardly been typical of the postwar Japan whose productivity and social harmony are the envy of the United States and Europe. But increasingly the Japanese are seeing a decline of the traditional work-moral values. Ten years ago young people were hardworking and saw their jobs as their primary reason for being, but now Japan has largely fulfilled its economic needs, and young people don’t know where they should go next.
The coming of age of the postwar baby boom and an entry of women into the male-dominated job market have limited the opportunities of teen-agers who are already questioning the ’heavy personal sacrifices involved in climbing Japans rigid social ladder to good schools and jobs. In a recent survey, it was found that only 24.5 percent of Japanese students were fully satisfied with school life, compared with 67.2 percent of students in the United States. In addition, far more Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs
A. Japanese workers expressed dissatisfaction with their jobs.
B. Japanese education tends to stress test taking and mechanical learning over creativity.
C. Japan experienced 929 assaults on teachers last year.
D. Personality, ability, courage or humanity are completely ignored in Japan's schools.


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