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发布时间:2024-07-07 06:11:45

[单项选择]We desire that the tour guide()us immediately of any change in plans.
A. has informed
B. informed
C. informs
D. inform

更多"We desire that the tour guide()us i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We desire that the tour guide()us immediately of any change in plans.
A. has informed
B. informed
C. informs
D. inform
[单项选择]They desire that the tour leader()them immediately of any change in plans.
A. informs
B. informed
C. inform
D. has informed
[单项选择]We desire that the tour leader ______ us immediately of any change in plans.
A. inform
B. informs
C. informed
D. has informed
[单项选择]We desire that the tour leader______ us immediately of any changes in plans.

A. inform
B. informs
C. informed
D. has informed
[单项选择]The tour guide gave members of the group a chance to explore the ancient castle on ______.
A. theirs
B. them
C. themselves
D. their own
[单项选择]How many days will the tour guide stay in the hotel

A. Two days.
B. No more than 3 days.
C. At least three days.
D. Less than one week.
[单项选择]The map that ______ this guide book will help tourists find their way around the city center.
A. appoints
B. accompanies
C. addresses
D. alleviates
[单项选择]Friendship helps us understand ()we are, ()we need each other and ()we can do for each other.
A. what when that
B. who why what
C. where why that
D. who when how much
[单项选择]How we look probably worries us more ______ we are in our teens than at any other time in our life.

A. that
B. as
C. when
D. since
[单项选择]We agree to accept()they thought was the best tourist guide.
A. whatever
B. whomever
C. whichever
D. whoever
[单项选择]We ______the help he gave us when we moved to our new house.
A. thanked
B. appreciated
C. obliged
D. owed
[单项选择]The company director has informed us that we must _____department budge by 25%
A. cut down
B. cut away
C. cut off
D. cut up

Passage Two
Do we need laws that prevent us from running risks with our lives If so, then perhaps laws are needed prohibiting the sale of cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Both products have been known to kill people. The hazards of drinking too much alcohol are as bad as or worse than the hazards of smoking too many cigarettes. All right then, let’s pass a law closing the liquor stores and the bars in this country. Let’s put an end once and for all to the ruinous disease from which as many as 10 million Americans currently suffer alcoholism.
But wait. We’ve already tried that. For 13 years, between 1920 and 1933 there were no liquor stores anywhere in the United States. They were shut down abolished by an amendment (修正案) to the Constitution (to 18th) and by a law of Congress (the Volstead Act). After January 20, 1920, there was supposed to be no more manufacturing, selling, or transporting of "intoxicating liquors." Without any m
A. There would be no further danger to the public from alcoholism.
B. There would be a rise in the cost of alcoholic beverages.
C. Without liquor, people would not drink.
D. People would not become drank or create a public nuisance.


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