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发布时间:2023-10-31 03:16:09

[单项选择] What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of______.
A. reference.
B. meaning.
C. antonymy.
D. context.

更多"What essentially distinguishes sema"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is the notion of ______.
A. reference.
B. meaning.
C. antonymy.
D. context.
[单项选择]What distinguishes morphology from syntax deals with the rules governing the combination of

A. words into phrases and sentences.
B. sounds into patterns and words.
C. meanings into passages and system.
D. words into branches and language.
[单项选择]What distinguishes Shakespeare from the other English dramatists who also used well- known English history and old legends as sources

A. His recreation of familiar tales.
B. His competence in foreign languages.
C. His own experience as an actor.
D. His Roetic passion:
[单项选择]What distinguishes the end-Permian mass extinction from other similar devastations

A. Change of ocean chemistry.
B. Survival of Miocidaris.
C. Causes.
D. Ecological reorganization.
[单项选择]According to the author, what distinguishes technical writing from other writings

A. The necessity of special training in technical writing.
B. A special vocabulary and knowledge.
C. A mastery of the technical knowledge itself.
D. Technical writing needs straightforward description.
[单项选择]According to the author, what distinguishes jazz from other dance music

A. Jazz musicians specialize in solo.
B. Jazz bands have featured soloists.
C. Jazz is very hot and rough.
D. Jazz musicians often paraphrase solo according to their feelings.
[单项选择]What is essentially important to identity and identification

A. It shall be physically and physiologically defined.
B. A clear psychological and social recognition and cultural inclination.
C. It shall be based on the origin and race.
D. It is predominately determined by the nationality and region.
[单项选择]Traditionally, semantics includes the following studies EXCEPT______.
A. argument structure
B. thematic roles
C. discourse analysis
D. implicatures
[单项选择]Saussure distinguishes the linguistic competence of the speaker as______
A. parole
B. language
C. system
D. langue
[单项选择]Both syntax and semantics are the branches of linguistics, the former studies the rules governing the combination of words into sentences, the latter studies ______.

A. the form of words
B. the meaning of language
C. the sound patterns of language
D. the change of language
[多项选择]English has kinship terms and distinguishes some characteristics in relatives, including ______. ( )
A. blood relationship
B. seniority
C. generation
D. sex
[单项选择]Semantics is the study of meaning of different () levels; lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc.
A. linguistic
B. grammatical
C. arbitrary
D. semantic
[单项选择]Semantics is the study of ______.

A. words
B. sentences
C. context
D. meaning
[单项选择]Sporting activities are essentially modified forms of hunting behavior. Viewed biologically, the modem foot-bailer is in reality a member of a hunting group. His killing weapon has turned into a harmless football and his prey (猎物) into a goalmouth. If his aim is accurate and he scores a goal, he enjoys the hunter’s triumph of killing his prey.
To understand how this transformation has taken place we must briefly look back at our forefathers. They spent over a million years evolving as cooperative hunters. Their very survival depended on success in the hunting-field. Under this pressure their whole way of life, even their bodies, became greatly changed. They became chasers, runners, jumpers, aimers, throwers and prey-killers. They cooperated as skillful male-group attackers.
Then about ten thousand years ago, after this immensely long period of hunting their food, they became farmers. Their improved intelligence, so vital to their old hunting life, was put to a new use—that of
A. About a million years ago.
B. About 10,000 years ago.
C. Several thousand years ago.
D. The answer is not given.


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