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发布时间:2023-11-17 18:42:56

[单项选择]Their destinations are often countries which have excellent weather, beautiful beaches and scenery and abundant wildlife, but few other ______.
A. articles
B. materials
C. resources
D. substances

更多"Their destinations are often countr"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Which countries have probably spent the most money on maglev research
A. France and West Germany.
B. Japan and West Germany.
C. the United States and Japan.
D. West Germany and the United States.
[单项选择]The goods which have entered the territory, approved by the Customs as items for which no formalitied are preformed in the way of duty payment, and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored, processed or assembled in the territory are defined as
A. bonded goods
B. through goods
C. transshipment goods
D. transit goods
[单项选择]Foreigners often have either specific notions of ______ they think the British are like or, in desperation, wish for a unified picture of national character.
A. which
B. that
C. as
D. what
[单项选择]Many countries have conservation programs to prevent certain ______ of fish from becoming extinct.
A. species
B. sources
C. numbers
D. members

Some countries still have death penalty (死刑), but it no longer (61) in Britain. After a particularly (62) murder, British people would sometimes call (63) it to be brought back. In some people’s (64) , the death penalty cannot be defended for a number of (65) According to what these people (66) , the first and the most important one is that one can (67) be entirely certain that the person who is sentenced to death is (68) . The accused might well be (69) that he or she is completely innocent a few years (70) the sentence. It is often (71) that the death penalty (72) crimes. However, many crimes are (73) by a sudden and very powerful (74) . In these cases, the individual is not thinking sensibly (75) does not stop to consider the risk. Their final reason (76) the death penalty is that it sets a bad example. The laws of the society should reflect its values, If it i
A. meant
B. heard
C. suggested
D. spoken

[单项选择]In this factory, suggestions often have to wait fur months before they are fully ( ).
A. admitted
B. acknowledged
C. absorbed
D. considered
[单项选择]Words which have opposite meanings are called ()
A. synonyms
B. antonyms
C. homonyms
D. hyponyms

Different countries have different cultures. A same gesture may have distinct meanings in different countries. For instance, in Africa, people knock at the table with their fingers to call waiters which is considered as impolite in China. In western countries, if you make a circle with your thumb and the index finger (食指), and then raise the other three fingers, you are suggesting "OK". The same gesture, however, means "money" in Japan while makes Brazilian people feel insulted (受侮辱的). With that in mind, you’d better learn about their custom before travelling to foreign countries.
Greeting is an important part of communication between people. When greeting someone, Americans tend to hold out their hands and look directly into his/her eyes and then smile. However, sometimes such behavior might bring nothing but misunderstanding in other countries. A handshake might not be accepted and looking others right in the eye can have different meanings.A. Never shake hands with Asian people
B. Different culture, different custom
C. Smile as much as you can
D. People behave rudely in foreign countries


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