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发布时间:2023-11-03 07:11:07

[单项选择]All the students in our class passed the English final text______him.

A. besides
B. except for
C. except
D. without

更多"All the students in our class passe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]All the students in our class passed the English final test ______ him.
A. besides
B. except for
C. except
D. without
[单项选择]All the students in this class passed the English exam ______ the exception of Wang Ming.
A. on
B. in
C. for
D. with
[单项选择]In our English class, our teacher pays great attention()conversational skills.
A. on
B. at
C. for
D. to
[单项选择]The first dictionary for students of English as a foreign language (),into which the classification of sentence patterns was incorporated, was published in 1953.
A. Guide to Patterns and Usage in English
B. The Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English
C. A Handbook of English Grammar
D. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
[单项选择]I am least clever of all the students in our class.
A. 我与班上所有的学生一样不聪明。
B. 我是班上所有学生中做聪明事最少的一个。
C. 我是班上不够聪明的学生之一。
D. 我是班上所有学生中最不聪明的。

Passage Two
As you are students of English, it’s very possible that you’ll be interested in England.
That’s where the language was first spoken. But England is often called by other names.
This often confuses people and I wonder if you know what these names mean. So, now I would like to tell you about this matter of names. I believe that you have heard people use the names-England, Britain or Great Britain. Let’s see what each of these names means.
If you look at a map of Europe, you’ll see a group of islands-one larger island off the northwest coast, one smaller and many tiny ones. These make up what is called the British Isles (不列颠群岛). The largest island of the British Isles is Britain. It is also called Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland(爱尔兰).
Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. But sometimes the Word "England" is used instead of "Britai
A. Britain
B. England
C. Great Britain
D. Ireland

[单项选择]Our boss expects us ()all our work by the end of the week
A. to finish  
B. to be finished
C. finished with
D. for finishing of


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