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发布时间:2024-03-22 20:32:48

[单项选择]What kind of techniques has the author used by taking the example of "a pencil '9

A. metaphor
B. simile
C. metaphor
D. association

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B. Apoptosis.
C. Cardiovascular disease.
D. Cancer prevention.
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A. He is being insane.
B. He has had some family murdering records.
C. He has been associated with some important figures in the country
[单项选择]What kind of person needs this service
A. A doctor.
B. A policeman.
C. The sick.
D. A student.
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A. (A) Holiday.
B. (B) End-of-the-month.
C. (C) Back-to-school.
D. (D) Going-out-of-business.
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A. Kindness.
B. Smartness.
C. Courageousness.
D. Generosity.
[单项选择]What kind of hook will help catch fish

A. One with light colon
B. One that is smaller than your bait.
C. A hook you are in favor.
D. One with a fish shape.
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A. Flood
B. Earthquake
C. Mudslide
D. Tornado
[单项选择]What kind of child is vulnerable to cancer

A. Those who live near a factory.
B. Those who live near a bus station.
C. Those who live in Birmingham.
D. Those who live in the UK.
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A. Debts.
B. Ideology.
C. Territory.
D. Economic.
[单项选择]What kind of information do the firefighters want to know first when a fire breaks out ()
A. Medical information about all the people that live in a burning building.
B. Where the burning building is located and its size, type and content.
C. Health record of each of the city's nine hundred firefighters.
D. The possible dangers ahead of them,
[单项选择]What kind of haircut did the man want

A. A fashionable style.
B. A basic trim.
C. A little off the top and more off the sides.
D. A permanent wav
[单项选择]What kind of the text is the passage

A. A piece of news.
B. An ad.
C. An announcement.
D. A letter.
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A. Western theaters.
B. Musical theaters.
C. Conventional theaters.
D. Modern theaters.


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