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发布时间:2024-03-16 18:47:15


The celebrations of NAFTA’s 10th anniversary are far more muted than those involved in its creation might have hoped. In the United States, the North American Free Trade Agreement has failed to fulfill the most dire warnings of its opponents and the most fervent expectations of its supporters. In Mexico, however, the treaty remains controversial and even harmful—as do America’s efforts to liberalize trade throughout the hemisphere.
There is some good news. In America, the "giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country" that Ross Perot predicted never quite materialized. The first six years of NAFTA saw unemployment in the United States fall to new lows. NAFTA has brought some benefits to Mexico as well; it was trade with-America, fueled by NAFI’A, not the bailout of Wall Street lenders, that was responsible for Mexico’s quick recovery after the financial crisis of December 1994.
But while Mexico benefited in t
A. disappearance of jobs.
B. hiring worker from other countries.
C. being deprived of jobs by competition from other country.
D. increasing of job opportunities.

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The celebrations of NAFTA’s 10th anniversary are far more muted than those involved in its creation might have hoped. In the United States, the North American Free Trade Agreement has failed to fulfill the most dire warnings of its opponents and the most fervent expectations of its supporters. In Mexico, however, the treaty remains controversial and even harmful—as do America’s efforts to liberalize trade throughout the hemisphere.
There is some good news. In America, the "giant sucking sound of jobs being pulled out of this country" that Ross Perot predicted never quite materialized. The first six years of NAFTA saw unemployment in the United States fall to new lows. NAFTA has brought some benefits to Mexico as well; it was trade with-America, fueled by NAFI’A, not the bailout of Wall Street lenders, that was responsible for Mexico’s quick recovery after the financial crisis of December 1994.
But while Mexico benefited in t
A. can not win the competition between China and other countries.
B. relies on the prosperity of American economy.
C. can not develop into an independently productive economy.
D. mainly engage itself in agriculture.

[单项选择]Today is September 10th. It's ______ Day. Let's go and buy some flowers for our teachers.
[单项选择]Many hunting and gathering people of the late 10th century have recently adopted some form of organized agriculture to ______ their wild food resources.

A. accumulate
B. implement
C. compensate
D. supplement
[单项选择]September 10th is ______ Day.
[单项选择]In honor of the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, their sons and daughters request the pleasure of Dr. and Mrs. Preston's company at dinner on Friday, June 6 at eight o'clock at the Hamp Hotel.()
A. 为祝贺詹姆斯•格雷先生及夫人金婚,他们的子女谨定于6月6日星期五8点在汉普饭店举行宴会,恭请普里斯顿博士及夫人光临。
B. 有幸庆祝詹姆斯•格雷先生及夫人金婚,他们的子女谨定于6月6日星期五8点在汉普饭店举行宴会,恭请普里斯顿博士及夫人届时作陪。
C. 为祝贺詹姆斯•格雷先生及夫人光荣结婚50周年,他们的子女谨定于6月6日星期五8点在汉普饭店举行宴会,恭请普里斯顿博士及夫人光临。
D. 有幸庆祝詹姆斯•格雷先生及夫人光荣结婚50周年,他们的子女谨定于6月6日星期五 8点在汉普饭店举行宴会,恭请普里斯顿博士及夫人届时作陪。
[单项选择]On her next anniversary Rose()married for 20 years.
A. will be
B. has been
C. will have been
D. is being
[单项选择]This month marks the ______ anniversary of the Salk vaccine against polio.

A. 15th
B. 50th
C. 14th
D. 40th
[单项选择]We had prepared a poem for the ______anniversary.
A. distant
B. meaningful
C. painful
D. warm
[单项选择]The 50th anniversary is a ______ that very few companies actually manage to reach.
A. commitment
B. milestone
C. variation
D. yield
A. 正常变异
B. 直背综合征
C. 右心室肥厚
D. 心尖部心肌梗死
E. 以上都是
[单项选择]若有两个字符串s1="12345",s2="34",执行s=Instr(s1,s2)后,s的值为( )。
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5


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