发布时间:2024-07-22 03:15:14

[单项选择]Some economists say that South Korea, while still deep in______, feels confident in its economy to increase its reserves.
A. recession
B. recovery
C. reduction
D. reception

更多"Some economists say that South Kore"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We still had great fun while watching some good-looking birds ______"wild strangers".
[单项选择]What benefits will North Korea obtain from some other countries

A. energy and security guarantees
B. political independence
C. free trade
D. military aid
[单项选择]There are still some outdated prejudices lurking in the minds of individuals.
A. existing
B. hiding
C. remaining
D. emerging

Some say that nothing is more vivid or memorable than a picture. We disagree. No visual image is as vivid as the image created by the mind in response to words. The main function of the poet or the artist, in fact, is to enable people to see more deeply into things than they can with the unaided eye, and this is what good prose or poetry or painting is all about.
It is not true that one picture is worth a thousand words. It takes only a few words if they are the right words-to ignite the imagination and produce picture far more colorful than anything within the range of electronic communication.
Yet the ultimately importance and power of print is represented not by its superior images but by its ability to convey abstract ideas. No matter how intensive or prolonged a person’s formal schooling may be, he is only partially educated if he is unable to think abstractly. He knows that the most vital ingredient in the making of decisions is sequential thou
A. Abstract thought.
B. Deduction.
C. Induction.
D. Experienc

[单项选择]There were still some minor grammar mistakes, but_________ the composition was rather well-written.

A. in the way
B. all in all
C. on the whole
D. as a whole
[单项选择]According to the periodic table, ______ still some elements undiscovered.
A. there seem to be
B. it seems to be
C. it seems that
D. here seem
[单项选择]______we admit that there are still some problems about NMET,we don't mean that it is of no use.
A. Until
B. While
C. As
D. Unless
[单项选择]Some experts say water problems contributed to war in 1967 between ________.

A. Israel and Syria
B. Israel and Jordan
C. Israel and Palestine
D. Israel and Egypt
[单项选择]You still need some substantial examples()support of your argument, or few people will believe in your idea.
A. on
B. in
C. for
D. to


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