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发布时间:2024-09-02 02:15:15

[单项选择]The whole country was ______ to see that the president would return to office after the turmoil.

A. released
B. relaxed
C. relieved
D. relied

更多"The whole country was ______ to see"的相关试题:

[单项选择]To the disappointment of the whole country the national team was ______ in the first round of the international tournament.
A. excluded
B. eliminated
C. suspended
D. segmented
[单项选择]The whole country was very sad at the news of Lincoln's death, the people considered him to be a great leader, and a ______ kind and honest man.
A. lazy
B. naughty
C. wise
D. clever
[单项选择]You (can see) the whole city (for miles) (from here) (in) a clear day.

A. can see
B. for miles
C. from here
D. in
[单项选择]______ the whole story, Jane decided not to see the film.
A. Having been told
B. Having told
C. Been told
D. Telling
[单项选择]Which of the following is in accordance with President Ford's position on disclosure of FBI

A. FBI records should not be reviewed section by section before being released to the public.
B. FBI records should only be withheld from release if such release constitutes a threat to national security.
C. It would be too expensive and time-consuming to identify exempt sections of FBI records.
D. FBI records should be exempt from the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.
[单项选择]He also has served as chief of staff for the president of EMEA, ______ is composed of 22 subsidiaries and has its headquarters in Paris.
A. what
B. which
C. that
D. and
[单项选择]Lincoln, who many regard as one of our great presidents, was often ______ despite his reputation of telling good jokes.
A. bright
B. optimistic
C. gloomy
D. cheerful
[单项选择]Now, she is upstairs ()a long speech for the president.
A. preparing
B. was preparing
C. prepared
D. to prepare
[单项选择]The office staff ______ gathered to hear the president speak.
A. are
B. is
C. has
D. will have
[单项选择]Not only the whole nation, but the whole Europe, indeed the whole human society()to alter its attitude to racial problems.
A. need
B. needs
C. has a need
D. have a need Section B
[单项选择]When a country’s currency appreciates, the country’s goods abroad become ______ and foreign goods in that country become ______.
A. cheaper... more expensive
B. more expensive... cheaper
C. cheaper...cheaper
D. more expensive... more expensive
A. choreographer : dance
B. speaker : parliament
C. actress : performance
D. instrumentalist: melody
E. poetess : thesaurus
A. provost : student
B. president : university
C. bodyguard : individual
D. lawyer : court
E. sheriff : crime
[单项选择]The industrial revolution modified the whole structure of English society.( )
A. destroyed
B. broke
C. smashed
D. changed

Passage Three
The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives, is bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance, or the ecological (生态的) balance as it is known. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed (处理) of sensibly, but clearly while more and more new goods are produced and made complex, there will be new, dangerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, the waste products from nuclear power stations. Many people therefore, see pollution as only part of a larger and more complex problem, that is, the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods. Others again see the problem mainly in connection with agriculture, where new methods are helping farmers grow more and more on their land to feed our ever-increasing population. However, the land itself is gradually becoming worn out as it is being used, in some cases, too heavily, and artif
A. air pllution
B. both the litter problem and waste of resources
C. excess consumption
D. unnecessary buying


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