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发布时间:2023-12-11 00:42:24


Text 4
"Worse than useless," fumed Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, on March 19th, when the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Terrible, and getting worse," added Zoe Lofgren, a Demo cratic colleague who has kept a watchful eye on the INS for ten years.
Committee members lined up to take swings at James Ziglar, the head of the INS. He explained, somewhat pathetically, that "outdated procedures" had kept the visa-processing wheels grinding slowly through a backlog of applications. He also had some new rules in mind to tighten up visas. Speeding up the paperwork--and getting more of it on to comput ers--is vital, but the September llth attacks have exposed the tension between the agency’ s two jobs: on the one hand enforcing the security of America’s borders, on the other granting privileges such as work permits to foreigners.
But oth
A. the exclusive responsibility of INS is for border security.
B. he figured out some new rules in mind to tight up visas.
C. sufficient debate is anxiously required for a final solution.
D. most congressmen hold unfavorable opinions on INS.

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Text 4
"Worse than useless," fumed Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, on March 19th, when the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Terrible, and getting worse," added Zoe Lofgren, a Demo cratic colleague who has kept a watchful eye on the INS for ten years.
Committee members lined up to take swings at James Ziglar, the head of the INS. He explained, somewhat pathetically, that "outdated procedures" had kept the visa-processing wheels grinding slowly through a backlog of applications. He also had some new rules in mind to tighten up visas. Speeding up the paperwork--and getting more of it on to comput ers--is vital, but the September llth attacks have exposed the tension between the agency’ s two jobs: on the one hand enforcing the security of America’s borders, on the other granting privileges such as work permits to foreigners.
But oth
A. will be subjected to strong criticisms.
B. has become the public laughing stock.
C. will take up economic responsibilities.
D. has won the support from Mr. Bush.


Text 2
"Worse than useless," fumed Darrell Issa, a Republican congressman from California, on March 19th, when the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the Immigration and Naturalization Service. "Terrible, and getting worse," added Zoe Lofgren, a Democratic colleague who has kept a watchful eye on the INS for ten years.
Committee members lined up to take swings at James Ziglar, the head of the INS. He explained, somewhat pathetically, that "outdated procedures" had kept the visa-processing wheels grinding slowly through a backlog of applications. He also had some new rules in mind to tighten up visas. Speeding up the paperwork -- and getting more of it on to computers -- is vital, but the September attacks have exposed the tension between the agency’s two jobs: on the one hand enforcing the security of America’s borders, and on the other granting privileges such as work permits to foreigners.
But oth
A. charges launched against its head.
B. its merging with the Customs Service.
C. other security recommendations.
D. its separation into two bodies.


Text 2
"Popular art" has a number of meanings, impossible to define with any precision, which range from folklore to junk. The poles are clear enough, but the middle tends to blur. The Hollywood Western of the 1930’s for example, has elements of folklore, but is closer to junk than to high art or folk art. There can be great trash, just as there is bad high art. The musicals of George Gershwin are great popular art, never aspiring to high art. Schubert and Brahms, however, used elements of popular music—folk themes—in works clearly intended as high art. The case of Verdi is a different one. he took a popular genre-bourgeois melodrama set to music (an accurate definition of nineteenth-century opera)and, without altering its fundamental nature, transmuted it into high art. This remains one of the greatest achievements in music, and one that cannot be fully appreciated without recognizing the essential trashiness of the genre.
As an
A. the political messages exposed.
B. the universal recognition of high art.
C. the intended changes in popular art.
D. heroes' and heroines' mental states.


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