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发布时间:2023-12-14 01:00:15

[单项选择]______ the fog, we should have reached our school.
A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. In case of
D. But for

更多"______ the fog, we should have reac"的相关试题:

[单项选择]______ the fog, we should have reached our destination.
A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. In case of
D. But for
[单项选择]______ the fog, we should have reached our school.

A. Because of
B. In spite of
C. In case of
D. But for
[单项选择]All flights _________because of the heavy fog, we had to decide to take the train.

A. were canceled
B. having canceled
C. having been canceled
D. have been canceled
[单项选择]We might have missed our connection______ the clever arrangement of our guide.

A. in
B. but for
C. with
D. except for
[单项选择]We' 11 have to keep our fingers crossed for him. The doctor says his chances of complete recovery are only fifty percent.

A. 愿上帝保佑他。医生说他有百分之五十的机会可以完全康复。
B. 我们对他要保守秘密。医生说让他活下去只有百分之五十的希望。
C. 我们希望他能逢凶化吉。医生说他完全康复的可能性只有百分之五十。
D. 我们只能暗地里保佑他。医生们对他的健康连百分之五十的机会都不给。
[单项选择]We (will have) to (put off) our departure (in the case) it (rains).
A. will have
B. put off
C. in the case
D. rains
[单项选择]No matter how little money we have, we should get into the habit of ______ some in the bank regularly.

A. laying
B. withdrawing
C. putting
D. depositing
[单选题]We've just been struck by _______ and we'll have to go back the apron to check our electrics.
[单项选择]It's time to have class. We had better ______ and ______ to the teacher.
A. stop talking... listen
B. to stop talking... listen
C. stop talking... to listen
D. to stop talking... to listen
[单项选择]We made several plans for our holiday, but we went to Xi'an ______ the end.

A. at
B. on
C. by
D. in
[单项选择]()we have finished the book, we shall start doing some exercises.
A. For now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. Since already
[单项选择]If we had finished our work a little earlier, we ______ to the museum.
A. can have gone
B. had gone
C. could go
D. could have gone
[单项选择]Since we have never been here before, we do not know which bus()
A. should we take'
B. to be taking
C. to take
D. should take
[单项选择]We can achieve a lot when we learn to let our differences unite , rather than () us.
A. divide
B. reject
C. control
D. abandon
[简答题]We inform you that we have been engaged in this business for the past 25 years. We, therefore, feel that because of our past years' experience, we are well qualified to take care of your interests at this end.
[单项选择]Woman: Since we have nothing in common, we don't have to live under the same roof.
Man: If you really want to settle the problem, I'm ready to meet you half-way.
Question: What does the man mean
A. He is ready to encounter the problem.
B. He is ready to launch a lawsuit.
C. He is ready to compromise.
D. He is ready to raise a big argument.
[单项选择]______ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.
A. For now
B. Now that
C. Ever since
D. By now
[单项选择]If we have a holiday for sailing and fishing, we should go to ______.
A) Kibbutz C) Mallorca
B) Italy D) Israel

A. If we have a holiday for sailing and fishing, we should go to ______.
B. Kibbutz
C. Italy
D. Mallorca
E. Israel


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