Nurse! I Want My Mummy When a child is ill in hospital, a parent’s first reaction is to be {{U}} (51) {{/U}} them. Most hospitals now allow parents to sleep {{U}} (52) {{/U}} with their child, providing a bed or sofa on the ward. But until the 1970s this {{U}} (53) {{/U}} was not only frowned upon (不赞同) -- it was actively discouraged. Staff worried that the children would be {{U}} (54) {{/U}} when their parents left, and so there was a blanket (通用的) ban. A concerned nurse, Pamela Hawthorn, disagreed and her study "Nurse, I want my mummy!" published in 1974, {{U}} (55) {{/U}} the face of paediatric (儿科的) nursing. Martin Johnson, a professor of nursing at the University of Salford, said that the work of {{U}} (56) {{/U}} like Pa A. hospital B. family C. group D. school [多选题]在商用无线引入系统中,POI设备的技术指标包括( )。
A.工作频段 B.插入损耗 C.驻波比 D.回波损耗 [单选题]SS4型电力机车上TSG3-630/25型单臂受电弓实验要求之一:滑板在工作高度范围内,横向保持水平,检查滑板高度在.工作长度范围内,其高低偏差不得超限。
A.1220mm B.1230mm C.1240mm D.1250mm [多选题]大跨度大空间建筑火灾扑救遵循( )的救人原则,全力搜救遇险被困人员。
A.疏散引导为先 B.划分区域搜索 C.重点部位攻坚 D.快速内攻救人 [单选题]有三个关系 R、S 和 T 如下:则关系 R 和关系 S 得到关系 T 的操作是( )。
A.自然连接 B.交 C.投影 D.并 [单选题]患者39岁GP。经量增多经期延长1年加重1个月。临床拟诊为子宫肌瘤。最有价值的诊断依据是()
A.39岁的经产妇 B.子宫增大如50天妊娠质硬表面凹凸不平 C.经量增多经期延长1年加重1个月 D.子宫内膜活检为增生期内膜 E.基础体温测定为单相型 [简答题]智力与能力的关系是什么
[单项选择] Americans smoke six thousand million cigarettes every year (1970 figures). This is roughly the equivalent of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more. It is estimated that 51% of American men smoke compared with 340,6 of American women.
Since 1939, numerous scientific studies have been conducted to determine whether smoking is a health hazard. The trend of the evidence has been consisted and indicates that there is a serious health risk. Research teams have conducted studies that show beyond all reasonable doubt that tobacco smoking particularly cigarette smoking is associated with a shortened life expectancy.
Cigarette smoking is believed by most research workers in this field to be an important factor in the development of cancer of the lungs and cancer of the throat and is believed to be related to cancer of the bladder and the oral cavity. Male cigarette smokers have a higher death rate from heart disease than non- smoking males.
A. knowing how many factors there are B. isolating particular, individual factors from the complex human environment C. knowing the complex human environment D. increasing the number of the competent physicians [判断题]电动自行车停放充电场所应配置灭火器,灭火器配置的危险等级可按民用建筑中危险级确定。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]我国水旱灾害常见的类型有洪水、 山洪、( )等。
A. 干旱 B. 旱灾 C. 暴雨 D. 雪灾 [多选题]业务训练准备工作包括哪些方面()。
A.训练前,要对参训人员进行针对性的安全教育或提示,讲清注意事项,强调安全纪律,落实安全措施。 B.严格按训练科目要求着装,不得携带与训练无关的坚硬、锋锐物品。 C.必须设置安全员,训练前(后)对训练场地、设施、器材进行检查、测试,训练中落实安全保护措施。在道路等开阔地带开展训练时,要做好安全警戒。 D.必须组织慢跑、活动操等热身运动,一般以身体感到发热、微微出汗为宜,合理确定热身时长。 [判断题]国内保理是境内销货方向境内购货方销售商品、提供服务后,以应收账款转让为前提,由青岛农商银行向销货方提供的集应收账款催收、管理、坏账担保及融资于一体的综合性金融服务。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]职业道德乃是从业人员的
A. 立身之本 B. 成功之源 C. 嘴上谈资 D. 立足职场的唯一要素 [判断题]机关或部门的领导人对来文办理提出处理意见的活动是收文处理中的拟办。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]关于对象的串行化,下列说法错误的是( )。
A. 对象串行化是对Java对象的读、写的过程 B. 对象串行化定制分为两个层次:部分串行化和完全串行化 C. 对象串行化必须实现Serializable接口 D. 对象永久化是指将对象存在内存中 [单项选择]城市污水处理厂,斜板(管)沉淀池应设()。
A. 冲洗设施 B. 滗水器 C. 消泡装置 D. 灭火器 [单项选择]水泥一般()紧急放行的物资。
A. 是 B. 不是 C. 不确定 [判断题]与缓冲溶液的缓冲容量大小有关的因素是缓冲溶液的总浓度。
A. 左侧下颌第三磨牙的近中舌侧 B. 左侧下颌第三磨牙的远中邻面 C. 左侧下颌第三磨牙的远中颊侧 D. 左侧下颌第三磨牙近中颊侧 E. 左侧下颌第三磨牙的远中面 [单项选择]160~200km/h区段定位器坡度的限界为()
A. 1/10~1/3 B. 1/10~1/5 C. 1/8~1/3 D. 1/8~1/5 [判断题]( ) 车辆按用途分为客车、货车及特种用途车(如试验车、发电车、轨道检查车、检修车等)。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列关于门式钢管脚手架连墙件设置的陈述,正确的是()。
A.在转角处所设连墙件的垂直间距不应大于6m B.连墙件距门架横杆不应大于400mm C.连墙件不能水平设置时,与脚手架连接的一端应低于与建筑结构连接的一端 D.连墙件应固定在门架的立杆或水平加固杆上 [判断题]为持卡人开通自助转账业务时,要向持卡人充分提示开通有关业务的风险,并要对持卡人进行更为严格的真实身份核查,确保实名开户;
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]电流互感器的变比误差和相角误差与()无关。
A.一次电流大小 B.二次负载阻抗 C.二次负载感抗 D.环境温度 [单项选择]The finding that children reared at home had low IQs at age 12 indicates ______.
A. educational day-care centers are the best place for children to grow up in B. parents fail to provide an adequate environment for their intelligence growth C. the age of 12 is a critical point in time for intellectual development in children D. intellectual development and academic achievement of children are closely related 我来回答: 提交