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发布时间:2023-10-14 05:35:32

[单项选择]The punishment that would be most inconsistent with the views of corrective justice would be______.

A. forced brain surgery
B. whipping
C. permanent isolation
D. the electric chair

更多"The punishment that would be most i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The punishment that would be most inconsistent with the views of corrective justice would be______.

A. forced brain surgery
B. whipping
C. solitary confinement
D. the electric chair
[单项选择]"Capital punishment" most probably means _________.

A. life sentence
B. severe punishment
C. fine
D. sentence of death
[单项选择]The paragraph following this one would most likely deal with ______.

A. why some people can hear better than others
B. what can be done to help the hearing impaired
C. how this new auditory test is conducted
D. which hearing problems are the most severe
[单项选择]The following paragraph would most probably deal with ______.
[单项选择]Which of the following would most likely follow the final sentence of the passage

[单项选择]The author raises issues that would most concern which of the following groups

A. Electricians.
B. Environmentalists.
C. Aircraft pilots.
D. Teachers.
[单项选择]Flourens would most likely argue that all of the following actions could be localized and differentiated in terms of the brain functions needed to perform them,EXCEPT

[单项选择]The author would most likely agree with which of the following statements

A. Music is a more perfect art form than painting or sculpture.
B. Music can be said to exist only when it is being performed.
C. Josquin was the greatest composer of the Middle Ages.
D. Renaissance music is superior to music produced in modern times.
[单项选择]It can be inferred that the author would most likely agree with which of the following statements regarding people who lived before the advent of scientific psychology

A. Their understanding of human relations was quite limited.
B. They were uninterested in acquiring knowledge of the physical world.
C. They misunderstood others more frequently than people do today.
D. Their intuitions about human relations were reasonably sophisticate
[单项选择]Which of the following would most likely be the topic of the next paragragh

[单项选择]Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken the author's assertion in lines 19-20 that Anderson's theory "is corroborated both by the events of the American Revolution"

A. The American Revolution was largely motivated through a conflict of interest between colonists and the indigenous groups protected by the crown.
B. The consent of the colonists in lower North America could have been obtained more easily than that of British subjects in Canada.
C. The extent of British colonial authority was of a roughly equal degree to that of French authority in lower North America.
D. The British made far fewer impositions on the population of lower North America than those they made in French Canada.
E. (E) The same devolution of imperial agency that took place in India also took place throughout North America.
[单项选择]A murder would most likely occur _________.

A. on a weekend night in summer
B. on a weekday night in summer
C. on a weekend night in winter
D. on a weekday afternoon in winter
[单项选择]A majoritarian would be most likely to favor legislation that would _______.

[单项选择]Which of the following groups would be most concerned with the issues raised by the author

A. Electricians.
B. Environmentalists.
C. Aviators.
D. Teachers.
[单项选择]The author of the passage would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about Bailyn's work

[单项选择]Where would this advisory most likely appear

A. In a newspaper.
B. In an embassy pamphlet.
C. In an airline in-flight magazine.
D. In a travel guidebook.
[单项选择]Which of the following would the author most probably agree with

[单项选择]A pilot would be most -------, if, on hearing of imminent bad weather, he sent forth a distress signal at a time too ------- to ascertain the reality of the danger.

A. craven... premature
B. hortatory... nonchalant
C. pusillanimous ... belated
D. timorous ... anodyne
E. (E) ignoble ... convenient


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