Videodisc holds great promise of
helping to meet the needs of American schoolchildren who have problems seeing,
hearing, speaking, or socializing. Almost eleven percent of the students aged
3~21 in this country have an impairment that affects their ability to benefit
from a regular education program. Handicapped students require special education
because they are often markedly different from most children in one or more of
the following ways: mentally retarded ( 发展迟缓的 ), learning-disabled, emotionally
disturbed, deal visually handicapped, physically handicapped, or other health
impairments. The education of these handicapped children is rewarding but
challenging. A special education student usually needs a longer period of time to acquire information. Repetitive teaching techniques are often beneficial, and indefatigabl A. its fancy design is very attractive B. it allows the user to go back to where he wants to restudy C. the content of it is healthy and promising D. it is developed by university professors [多项选择]以下哪种装配方法可用于创建,模型装配件?()
A. 自上而下装配 B. 自下而上装配 C. 外部造型装配 D. 中间装配 [多选题] 孕激素的生理作用( )
A. 助孕 B. 促进排卵 C. 安胎 D. 促进乳房腺泡发育 E. 产热 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力事故事件调查规程》(南方电网安监〔2021〕11号附件)第3.3.1条规定:人身死亡。发生电力事故( )日内或道路交通事故、火灾事故( )日内受伤人员死亡(经医疗事故鉴定部门确认的医疗事故死亡除外)。
A. 30;7 B. 30;15 C. 20;7 D. 15;10 [单选题]地层向上弯曲成为背斜,导致( )重力分异称为背斜圈闭。
A.A、气水 B.B、油水 C.C、油气 D.D、油气水 梁表中悬臂梁的负钢筋、框架梁的支座负钢筋、框架梁的贯通筋等在哪里表示?
[单选题]动车组重联时,司机在连挂端司机室按规定操纵连挂速度不超过 km/h
A.1 B.3 C.5 D.10 [单选题]电子运统-46 系统中显示为( )的计划与本站有关, 但不在本站登记。
A. 黑 色 B. 红 色 C.浅蓝色 D.黄色 [简答题]在运用讨论行为时,教师应当注意什么?
[单选题] 汽轮机冲转前发电机氢纯度( ),氢压280~300kpa。
A. >99% B. >98% C. >97% D.>96% [单项选择]2012年3月21日下午,北京书生公司称()下属多个电子图书网站长期大规模盗版书生公司拥有独家版权的电子图书用于盈利,并且屡禁不绝。
A. 起点文学 B. 盛大文学 C. 谷歌 D. 百度 [判断题]当轴报装置发出超温报警时,应立即减速并后部瞭望,若无异常可运行至前方站停车检查。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]某女性患者,15岁,前牙唇侧龈乳头呈球状突起,呈鲜红色、松软光亮,可见少量菌斑沉积。若诊断为青春期龈炎,此患者应与哪种牙周炎做鉴别()
A. 侵袭性牙周炎 B. 坏死性龈炎 C. 药物性牙龈增生 D. 慢性龈炎 E. 妊娠期龈炎 [单项选择]Dr. Bergsten also has served on the senior staff of the National Security Council, 1969-71, and as a senior fellow of the Brookings Institution, another prominent Washington "think-tank’.
A. permanent B. famous C. president D. important [单项选择]根据《中华人民共和国票据法》的规定,下列各项中,汇票债务人可以对持票人行使抗辩权的事由是( )。
A. 汇票债务人与出票人之间存在合同纠纷 B. 汇票债务人与持票人的前手存在抵销关系 C. 背书不连续 D. 出票人存入汇票债务人的资金不够 [判断题]无人机着陆阶段,转入平飘的高度为3米
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]电缆敷设时,盘边缘距地面不得小于150mm,电缆盘转动力量要均匀,速度要缓慢平稳。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]行政行为在空间上的表现形式和在时间上的跨度,包括行政行为方式、步骤、次序、时限等不可分割的内容的是:( )
A.行政程序 B.行政诉讼 C.行政复议 D.行政处罚 我来回答: 提交