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发布时间:2024-07-26 19:37:52

[单项选择]With regard to marriage in Britain, present day girls differ from former time girls in _______.
[A] the right to marry [C] choosing husbands
[B] more parental support [D] social position

A. With regard to marriage in Britain, present day girls differ from former time girls in _______.
B. the right to marry
C. more parental support
D. choosing husbands
E. social position

更多"With regard to marriage in Britain,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]With regard to marriage in Britain, present day girls differ from former time girls in______.

A. the right to marry
B. more parental support
C. choosing husbands
D. social position
[单项选择]The passage suggests that the present-day problem with regard to computers is ______.

A. challenging
B. dramatic
C. psychological
D. fundamental

There is nothing really new about any present-day moral problems. But perhaps they are now more pressing than in previous ages because modem science has greatly increased the scope and range of the consequences of human decisions. This is most obvious in modem warfare. Combatants (战士) can now be far removed from each other and, in the process, distanced from the consequences of their actions. War is also no longer simply a combat between armies; the humane (仁慈的) distinction between combatants and noncombatants has disappeared. This raises the question of whether there can be any "innocent bystanders" in modern conflicts.
The problem is at its most extreme with the atomic bombs (原子弹). Many people have questioned the development and production of these bombs, let alone their use, both because their destructiveness outweighs (超过) any justification for their use and because of the probable long-term effects of radiation (辐射). Even the peaceful use of nuclear
A. everyone would become a victim
B. more non-combatants would escape harm
C. combatants are not responsible for their actions
D. nuclear weapons are more "humane"

[单项选择]Present-day society is much freer and easier because it emphasizes ______.

A. uniformity
B. formality
C. informality
D. individuality

A recent phenomenon in present-day science and technology is the increasing trend towards "directed" or "programmed" research, i.e. research whose scope and objectives are predetermined by private or government organizations rather than researchers themselves. Any scientist working for such organizations and investigation in a given field therefore tends to do so in accordance with a plan or programm designed beforehand.
At the beginning of the century, however, the situation was quite different. At that time there were no industrial research organizations in tile modern sense: the laboratory unit consisted of a few scientists at the most, assisted by one or two technicians, often working with inadequate equipment in unsuitable rooms. Nevertheless, the scientist was free to choose any subject for investigation he liked, since there was no predetermined programm to which he had to conform.
As the century developed, the increasing magnitude and c
A. In programmed research scientists have a supposed program to go by.
B. Government departments apply programmed research on an increasing scale nowadays.
C. Applied science and pure science rely on each other.
D. Private industrial departments are not a little interested in long-term research.


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