更多"The Freedom of Information Act give"的相关试题:
[单项选择]The Freedom of Information Act gives private citizen ______ government files.
A. release from
B. excess of
C. redress of
D. access to
[单项选择]The 1982 Oil and Gas Act gives power to permit the disposal of assets held by the Corporation, and the Corporation's statutory monopoly in the supply of gas for fuel purposes so as to permit private companies to compete in this supply.
A. defers
B. curtails
C. triggers
D. sparks
[单项选择]This passage gives us some
A. reasons for taking good pictures
B. ideas of some funny hobbies
C. advice on taking good pictures
D. difference of the pictures taken outdoors and indoors
Private Sub sub1(x As Integer,y As Integer)
End Sub
A. 此过程可以被其他过程调用
B. 此过程只可以被本窗体模块中的其他过程调用
C. 此过程不可以被任何其他过程调用
D. 此过程只可以被本工程中的其他过程调用
[单项选择]The author gives many examples to criticize Americans for their ______.
A. cultural self-centeredness
B. casual manners
C. indifference towards foreign visitors
D. arrogance towards other cultures
[单项选择]What is the advice Theresa gives to Wallace
A. To get things straight.
B. To pay for everything.
C. To invite him to a welcome.
D. To treat a meal in a restaurant.
[单项选择]The assessment center gives each applicant the opportunity to ______ whether they are suited to the work.
A. exemplify
B. demonstrate
C. expose
D. exhibit
[单项选择]An auction catalogue gives buyers
A. the current market values of the goods
B. details of the goods to be sold
C. tile order in which goods are to be sold
D. free admission to the auction sale
[单项选择]According to the speech act theory, an act of expressing the speaker's intention is defined as a(n)
A. illocutionary act.
B. locutionary act.
C. perlocutionary act.
D. contextual factor.