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发布时间:2023-10-12 04:24:02

[单项选择]The desegregation was achieved through a number of struggles, ______ have been mentioned in previous chapters.
A. a few of which
B. a few of them
C. a few of those
D. a few of that

更多"The desegregation was achieved thro"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He achieved success through hard work.
A. reached
B. reaped
C. attained
D. took
[单项选择]What has achieved after Mr. Powell met with Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat

A. Israelis and Palestinians will carry out the Mitchell Plan.
B. Israelis and Palestinians will cease-fire soon.
C. Israelis and Palestinians agree to a seven-day test period for the current cease-fire, before any further steps are taken.
D. Nothing.
[单项选择]Sometimes the messages are conveyed through deliberate 'conscious gestures', other times, our bodies talk without our even knowing it.
A. definite
B. intentional
C. interactive
D. delicate
[单项选择]Through experiments with marine organisms, marine biologists can increase our knowledge of human reproductive and development as well as our understanding of the nervous system.
[单项选择]________, who were French-speaking, achieved the final unification of England.

A. Normans
B. Anglo-axons
C. Danes
D. Celts
[单项选择]The number of specialists has enormously increased mainly because of_________.

A. academic mobility
B. interdisciplinary research
C. specialization
D. modernization of transportation
[单项选择]Cutting taxes can lower investment through its impact on interest rates. This is an example of the: ( )   
A. Income effect.
B. Accelerator effect.
C. Crowding out effect.
D. Multiplier effect.
[单项选择]Ice particles bouncing off hail falling through a cloud acquire______.

A. a negative charge
B. no electric charge at all
C. a positive charge
D. bot
[单项选择]We know through painful experience that freedom is never______ by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.

A. approved
B. awarded
C. granted
D. allowed
[单项选择]The cooling wind swept through out bedroom windows, () air conditioning unnecessary.
A. making
B. to make
C. made
D. being made
[单项选择]The number of complaint against judges has increased substantially for_____.

A. the interference of the media
B. the silence of the traditional defenders
C. the disquiet and dissatisfied attitude among the public
D. the complication of cases
[单项选择]A large fish was slowly swimming through the water, its tai ______ back and forth like the pendulum of a clock.

A. swung
B. was swinging
C. was swung
D. swinging
[单项选择]Nerve signals may travel through nerve or muscle fibers at speeds as high as two hundred miles per hour.
A. velocities
B. impulses
C. ratios
D. percentage
[单项选择]Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping

A. Phone.
B. Smog.
C. Memo.
D. Fridg

Text 4
You could benefit from flipping through the pages of I Can’t Believe You Asked That, a book by author Phillip Milano that’s subtitled, A No-Holds-Barred Q&A A bout Race, Sex, Religion, and Other Terrifying Topics.
For the past seven years, Milano—who describes himself as "a straight, white middle class married guy raised in an affluent suburb of Chicago’—as operated yforum com, a Web site that was created to get us talking. Through the posting of probing, provocative and sometimes simply inane questions and the answers they generate, people are encouraged to have a no-holds-barred exchange on topics across racial, ethnic and cultural lines. More often than not, the questions grow out of our biases and fears and the stereotypes that fuel misunderstanding among us.
As with the Web site, Milano hopes his book will be a social and cultural elixir. "The time is right for a new ’ culture of curiosit
A. his confirmation of Milano's hope about his book.
B. his explanation of the purpose of Milano's website.
C. his description of various emotions and responses.
D. his quotation of the comments made by the experts.

[单项选择]Father Christmas comes into the house through the______.

A. chimney
B. front door
C. back door
[单项选择]If you always purchase good through internet, what will happen

[单项选择]The man did the following through the Internet that day EXCEPT _______.

A. received and sent some e-mails
B. booked an airline flight
C. did some shopping
D. watched a video program


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