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发布时间:2023-09-29 23:53:12

[单项选择]North Island, South Island, and Steward Island are the three large islands that ______ the country of New Zealand.

A. compact
B. compose
C. comply
D. comprise

更多"North Island, South Island, and Ste"的相关试题:

[单选题]题目 64
New Zealand has two islands.One is North Island and _____is South Island.
B.the other
D.the others
A. 1分
B. 2分
C. 3分
D. 4分
E. 5分
[单项选择]North America borders both the North ______ and the North ______.

A. Arctic Ocean, Indian Ocean
B. Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean
C. Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean
D. Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean
A. ocean : lake
B. isthmus : peninsula
C. cape : cove
D. river : canal
E. plateau : plain
[单项选择]Christopher Columbus discovered the North American continent in ______.

A. 1592
B. 1620
C. 1492
D. 1420
[单项选择]The planned development of the deserted island filled the islanders with ______ hope.

A. eternal
B. ceaseless
C. infinite
D. incessant
[单项选择]The island of Great Britain itself is divided into the following parts EXCEPT

A. British Isles.
B. England.
C. Scotland.
D. Wales.
[单项选择]After spending some time on the island they became ______ to the hardships.
A. scathed
B. sniggered
C. inured
D. outreached
[单项选择]What does the author say about the North American market

A. The American buyers of pictures have not changed their taste.
B. The middle market remains strong.
C. The Americans, buy art as a speculation.
D. It is experiencing a major recession.
[单项选择]A study of thunderclouds over the North Atlantic showed that lightning occurred only when the air temperature______.

A. around the cloud was below freezing
B. around the cloud was above freezing
C. about the cloud was lower than the temperature below the cloud
D. of the cloud was above freezing
[单项选择]Hainan is ______ island in Chin

A. A. second largestB. the second largestC. the large secondD. the second large
[单项选择]According to some linguists, the reason why South Koreans can't pronounce "Rice" correctly is that ______.

A. South Koreans do not care much about English pronunciation
B. their physical disability keeps them from doing so
C. Korean language does not include the phonetic sounds "L" and "R"
D. they are deaf to the different pronunciation of some letters
[单项选择]In order to facilitate language learning, South Korean parents do all the following except ______.

A. exposing their children to as much language input as possible
B. putting in a lot of money in order to enroll their children in best schools
C. sending their children to US to join English cram courses
D. rushing their children to various courses outside school curriculum
[单项选择]How did the South Korean Foreign Minister feel about the current talks

A. upset
B. pessimistic
C. optimistic
D. confused
[单项选择]Today black children in South Africa are still reluctant to study subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long.
A. anxious
B. curious
C. opposed
D. unwilling
[单项选择]Greenland, ( ) island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers.
A. it is the largest
B. that is the largest
C. is the largest
D. the largest
[单项选择]Among the first to come and live in North America ______ , who later prospered mainly in New Eng- land.

A. were Dutch settlers
B. Dutch settlers had been there
C. Dutch settlers were there
D. had been Dutch settlers


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