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发布时间:2023-12-01 03:44:09

[单项选择]The bell ______. Please open the door, Jim.

A. rings
B. is ringing
C. ringed

更多"The bell ______. Please open the do"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The thief tried to open the locked door but
A. in no way
B. in vain
C. without effect
D. at a loss
[单项选择]—______ Your name again, please.
—It's Bell Green.
A. 静态悬吊术
B. 跨面神经移植术
C. 面神经转位术
D. 神经管减压术
E. 面神经吻合术
A. 特发性面神经麻痹
B. 三叉神经痛
C. 病毒性脑炎
D. 急性脊髓炎
E. 周期性瘫痪
[单项选择]During the drill, when people hear the bell, they______.

A. should take any route to go down
B. should not go down by stairs
C. should take the lifts
D. should go down by stairs only
[单项选择]"He closed his ears to the sound of the lunch bell," means ______.

A. 一侧额纹消失,眼裂变大
B. 闭眼时眼球向上外方转,显露白色巩膜
C. 口角下垂,鼓腮漏气
D. 鼓索神经受损,可出现味觉障碍
E. 膝状神经节受损,可见外耳道或鼓膜疱疹
[单项选择]Not until the bell had rung()the classroom in a hurry.
A. he came into
B. did he come into
C. he has come into
D. has he come into
[单项选择]( )had I finished the test ( ) the bell rang.
A. Never ... then
B. No sooner ... then
C. Hardly ... when
D. Seldom ... when
A. 鼓索神经受损,可出现味觉障碍
B. 一侧额纹消失,眼裂变大
C. 口角下垂,鼓腮漏气
D. 闭眼时眼球向上外方转,显露白色巩膜
E. 膝状神经节受损,可见外耳道或鼓膜疱疹
[单项选择]I completely forgot()the front door last night and feel fortunate that nothing is stolen.
A. locking
B. being locked
C. to lock
D. to have locked
[单项选择]While she ______ TV in the sitting room, the bell

A. watches, rings
B. is watching, rang
C. was watching, rang
[单项选择]At the ______ of the bell, the students rushed into the classroom.

A. sight
B. noise
C. voice
D. sound
[单项选择]The man didn't put his luggage outside the door on time because ______.

A. he had a hard time packing the suitcases
B. he had gone to bed late the night before
C. he forgot the time to put his luggage out
D. his suitcases were stolen
[单项选择]I live next door to a couple()children often make a lot of noise.
A. whose
B. why
C. where 
D. which
[单项选择]Hearing Mummy at the door, ______.

A. off the bed the little girl jumped
B. off the bed jumped the little girl
C. off the little girl jumping the bed
D. off jumped the bed the little girl
[单项选择]There was a second knock at the door. It was the second time I______ that afternoon.

A. was interrupted
B. was interrupting
C. had interrupted
D. had been interrupted
[单项选择]I ______ when she knocked at the door.

A. cook
B. was cooking
C. am cooking


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