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发布时间:2024-01-11 19:15:51

[单项选择]Software document is an important part of software and a basis of software development phase. It also influnces software's (72) .
A. Expansibility
B. Reusability
C. Portability
D. Maintenance

更多"Software document is an important p"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Software document is an important part of software and a basis of software development phase. It also influnces software's (72) .
A. Expansibility
B. Reusability
C. Portability
D. Maintenance
[单项选择]( ) important document is the contract.
A. Most
B. More
C. Best
D. The most
[多项选择]The Air Waybill is the most important document for a bach of air cargo transportation. It serves as( )
A. receipt and delivery of shipment
B. evidence of contract of air cargo transportation
C. customs declaration
D. document of title
[单项选择]An important part of the national government is the Foreign Service, a branch of the Department of State.
A. a unity
B. a division
C. an embassy
D. an invasion
[单项选择]If a student doesn't understand an important part of the lesson, he or she__________.
A. will never be a good student
B. should ask another student for class notes
C. should get a perfect score
D. should ask the instructor to explain it
[单项选择]Just as relaxation is an important part of our lives,______ stress.
A. so is
B. as it is
C. and so is
D. the same is

Work is a very important part of life in the United States. Americans spend most of their lives working. For most Americans, their work defines them. They are what they do. What happensd, then, when a person can no longer work
Most Americans stop working at the age of sixty-five or seventy and retire. Because work is such an important part of life in American culture, retirement can be very difficult for Americans. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, some people are happy to retire, but leaving one’s job, whatever it is, is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. Retirement can also bring financial problems. Many people depend on Social Security checks every month. During their working years, employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government. Each employer also gives a certain percentage to the government. When people retire, they receive this money as income. Sometimes t
A. Some retirees feel happy as they can have more time to enjoy themselves.
B. Some retirees have to be careful with their money because of rising prices.
C. Some retirees like to work without being paid.
D. Some retirees find work in new businesses.


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