Morison and Philip were classmates. They lived in
the same town. After they left school, Morison became the manager (经理)of a
flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital. Philip made a girlfriend.
He bought a red rose for her each day to show his love. The flowers made her
very happy. Sometimes he took the rose to her himself. But when he was busy in
the hospital, he asked Morison to give the rose to her instead of him. One
afternoon, Philip came into the flower shop and said to Morison. “I’ll go to
another town to work today. I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to
my girlfriend. Please give her the letter and twenty-four roses.” In the
evening, when Morison was closing the door of the shop, Philip came. “Morison,
how many roses did you gi [单选题]纳税人委托个体经营者加工应税消费品,其消费税政策是( )。
A.由受托方代收代缴税款 B.由委托方收回后在委托方所在地缴纳消费税 C.由委托方在提货时在受托方所在地缴纳消费税 D.以受托方为纳税人缴纳消费税 [单选题]()战略布局,确立了新的历史条件下,党和国家各项工作的战略目标和战略举措,是我们党在新形势下治国理政的总方略。
A.“四个全面” B.“五大发展理念” C.“三严三实” D.“两学一做” [填空题]《国网营销部关于印发供电营业厅运营管理规范(试行)的通知》中规定:营业厅的服务环境应具备统一的( )。
[判断题]《接触网设计规范》规定,b值在最高温度时不小于300mm。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]6根据《商业银行内部控制评价试行办法》,商业银行评价组根据评价实施情况,撰写评价报告,应重点分析(.)。
A.被评价机构内部控制体系现状.存在问题及趋势分析. B.同类银行比较. C.监管建议. D.可能的谅解因素 [单项选择]If you are transmitting a distress message by radiotelephone you should().
A. use English language B. always use the International Code C. preface it by the word "Interco" D. follow the transmission with the radio alarm signal [单选题]凝血酶原复合物浓缩制剂主要含有的凝血因子是( )
A.Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅴ Ⅶ Ⅹ B.Ⅱ Ⅶ Ⅸ Ⅹ C.Ⅲ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅺ D.Ⅴ Ⅶ Ⅸ Ⅻ E.Ⅱ Ⅴ Ⅷ Ⅺ [多选题]超载保护装置应满足的条件有( )。
A.轿内应有音响和(或)发光信号通知使用人员 B.动力驱动的自动门应保持在完全打开的位置 C.专用、司机等状态下,可以手动关门 [单项选择]以下有关气道高反应性的叙述,不包括()
A. 支气管哮喘的主要特征和诊断依据 B. 气道炎症是其发生的重要机制 C. 可直接反映支气管哮喘严重程度 D. 激发试验可以检测气道高反应性 E. 气道高反应性不受遗传因素的影响 [单项选择]下列关于单位内部会计监督制度说法正确的是()。
A. 会计事项的经办人员和审批人员可由一人兼任 B. 记账人员和经济业务的审批人员可由一人兼任 C. 财产清查的范围、期限和组织程序应当明确 D. 记账人员和经济业务的经办人员可由一人兼任 我来回答: 提交