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发布时间:2023-10-06 18:39:10

[单项选择](Not too many) years (ago) my mother jogged in the alley behind our house because she was embarrassed (to see) jogging (in public).
A. Not too many
B. ago
C. to see
D. in public

更多"(Not too many) years (ago) my mothe"的相关试题:

[单项选择]My sister ______ middle school two years ago.

A. will finish
B. finishes
C. finished
[单项选择]An international treaty signed several years ago bans trade in plants and animal of endangered species.
A. forbids
B. eliminates
C. promotes
D. protects
[单项选择]The basketball team was organized two years ago and it has yet to win a single game.

A. 这个篮球队两年前成立,还没赢过一次比赛。
B. 两年前成立的那个篮球队还打过一次比赛。
C. 两年前成立的那个篮球队想赢每一次比赛。
D. 这个篮球队两年前成立,还得赢一次比赛。
[单项选择]More than two hundred years ago the United States ______ from the British Empire and became an independent country.

A. got off
B. pulled down
C. broke away
D. dropped off

Passage Two
Some years ago industries had more freedom than they have now, and they did not need to be as careful as they must today. They did not need to worry a lot about the safety of the new products that they developed. They did not have to pay much attention to the health and safety of the people who worked for them. Often new products were dangerous for the people who used them; often conditions in the work place had very bad effects on the health of the workers.
Of course sometimes there were real disasters which attracted the attention of governments and which showed need for changes. Also scientists who were doing research into the health of workers sometimes produced information which governments could not ignore. At such times, there were inquiries into the causes of the disaster or the problems. New safety rules were often introduced as a result of these inquiries; however, the new rule; came too late to protect the people who died or who becam
A. were put forward due to scientists' recommendations
B. came into being as a result of the workers' demand
C. were introduced because quite a number of people were killed or seriously injured
D. were effective enough to protect workers and customers

[单项选择]The writer was a photographer sixteen years ago.
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

About 50 years ago the idea of disabled people doing sports was never heard of. But when the annual games for the disabled were started at Stroke Mandeville, England in 1948 by Sir Ludwing Guttmann, the situation began to change. Sir Ludwing Guttmann, who had been driven to England in 1939 from Nazi Germany,had been asked by the British government to set up an injuries centre at Stroke Mandeville Hospital near London. His ideas about treating injuries included sports for the disabled.
In the first games just two teams of injured soldiers took part. The next year, 1949 ,five teams took part. From those beginnings things developed fast. Teams now come from abroad to Stroke Mandeville every year. In 1960 the first Olympics for the Disabled were held in Rome. Now, every four years the Olympic Games for the Disabled are held, if possible, in the same place as the normal Olympic Games, although they are organized separately. In other years Games for the Disabled are still held
A. New York
B. London
C. Rome
D. Los Angeles


Passage One
Fifty years ago, most people lived in rural areas. But the world has changed. In the near future, more than half of all people will live in cities for the first time in history.
City life is not always a bad thing, but many experts worry about this process of urbanization (城市化 ). A new report says that process is having a huge effect on human health and the quality of the environment. Of the three billion people who live in cities now, the report says, about one billion live in unplanned settlements. These are areas of poverty, slums that generally lack basic services like clean water, or even permanent housing. More than 60 million people are added to cities and surrounding areas each year, mostly in slums in developing countries. The international community has been too slow to recognize the growth of urban poverty. Policy makers need to increase investments in education, health care and other areas.
The report talks about some success
A. The link between the environment and the economy is not serious enough.
B. The two issues of poverty reduction and the environment have often been connected
C. Environmental collapse is a result of economic development
D. Environmental collapse is affecting the possibility for growt


Passage Two
Thousands of years ago, in the middle of an ocean, miles from the nearest island, an undersea volcano(火山) broke out. The hot liquid rock piled higher and higher and spread wider and wider. In this way, an island rose up in the sea.
As time went on, hot sun and cool rains made the rock split and break to pieces. Sea waves dashed against the rock. In this way, soil and sand came into being.
Nothing lived on the naked soil. And then the wind and birds brought plant seeds, spiders and other little creatures there. Only plants could grow first. Only they, in sunlight, could produce food from the minerals of the soil, water and air. While many animals landed on the island, they could find no food. A spider spun its web in vain, because there were no insects for its web to catch, In sects couldn’ t stay until there were plants for them to eat. So plants had to be the pioneer life on this new island.

According to the passage, which of
A. Spiders were the first life that could live on the island.
B. The island is far away from any piece of land.
C. Insects could not live on the island without plants.
D. Plants were brought to the island by human beings.
[单项选择]The standards set four years ago in Seoul will be far below the athletes' capabilities now.
A. capacities
B. strengths
C. possibilities
D. abilities


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