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发布时间:2023-11-07 06:52:24

[单项选择]Shy people never ______ set out to attract attention of other people.
A. willingly
B. voluntarily
C. decidedly
D. deliberately

更多"Shy people never ______ set out to "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Shy people never () set out to attract attention of other people.
A. willingly
B. voluntarily
C. decidedly
D. deliberately
[单项选择]He will set out to sea soon and he is stowing the hold with ______ now.

A. load
B. freight
C. cargo
D. shipment
[单项选择]In a developed country, people will perhaps go out of work if the birthrate ______.

A. goes up
B. goes down
C. remains stable
D. is out of control
[单项选择]With the guide ______ the way, we set out on foot into the night dark.
A. lead
B. leading
C. led
D. to lead
[单项选择]Young people should never simply _________material comforts.

A. go in for
B. go into
C. go by
D. go along with
[单项选择]People set fire on the 11th floor.

[单项选择]When people ask him for help, he never turned his back ______ them.
A. with
B. off
C. from
D. on
[单项选择]Never______seen so many people cooperating in such an event.
A. is the world
B. has the world
C. the world is
D. the world has

 Out of all the people()to speak at the meeting, only one advocated changing thefirm's current financial policies.

A. chose
B. were choosing
C. chosen
D. had chosen
[单项选择]Before the war broke out, many people ______ in safe places possessions they could not take with them.
A. threw away
B. put away
C. gave away
D. carried away
[单项选择]Dwight was shy around the girls because he was ______

A. a poor dancer and was afraid of being laughed at
B. engrossed in sports and (vas not interested in girls
C. afraid to be viewed as abnormal by his classmates
D. self-conscious about his poor dress and untidy hair
[单项选择](Noticing) that my daughter was shy, our hostess (went out of) her way (making) her feel (at home).

A. Noticing
B. went out of
C. making
D. at home
[单项选择]Sally was a bit shy, but the teacher found her quite ______ discussing a recent film with others.
A. at home
B. at most
C. at house
D. at heart
A. 晕厥、颈静脉窦综合征
B. 安眠镇静药引起的直立性低血压
C. 低血容量贫血所致的直立性低血压
D. 内分泌代谢疾病所致的直立性低血压
E. 降压药引起的直立性低血压
[判断题] SHY在新浪网上申请了一个E-MAIL,其邮件地址为shy@sina.com。 ( )
[单项选择]The student is shy and he ______ questions in class.
A. dares not ask
B. does not dare to ask
C. dares not to ask
D. does not dare ask
[单项选择]The little girl was so shy that she ______ every time she was spoken to.

A. flashed
B. blushed
C. blundered
D. blossomed
[单项选择]At the party we found that shy girl ______ her mother all the time.

A. depending on
B. coinciding on
C. adhering to
D. clinging to


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