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发布时间:2023-10-20 17:17:19

[单项选择]Some people want only real flowers on their tables while others like to have ()ones.
A. fashionable
B. synthetic
C. false
D. artificial

更多"Some people want only real flowers "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Some students are ______ and want to take only the courses for which they see immediate value.
A. theoretical
B. stupid
C. pragmatic
D. opinionated
[单项选择]There are some differences between the two. I really don't know ______.

A. where to choose
B. which to choose
C. to choose what
D. to choose which

Today I want to make some suggestions about taking notes from lectures. It’s clearly important that you take notes efficiently; for the notes you take from lectures allow you to study for a test on those lectures, or to prepare for class discussion. Without good notes, you can feel pretty lost. But the importance of notes is not the main idea or purpose here, for their importance is obvious enough. The suggestions I want to make concern the actual taking of the notes. Now there’s no great secret about taking notes. You have almost certainly taken notes from books or articles before, and very likely you’ve taken notes from lectures in your native language. And that brings up the first suggestion I’d like to make.
If you aren’t used to taking notes in English, don’t panic, don’t get discouraged if you can’t understand the lecturer the first time you hear him--or even for some time after that. It may take a little time,
A. prepare for class discussion
B. allow you to study for a test on those lectures
C. leave a deep impression on lecturers
D. Both A and B.

[单项选择]If you want to exchange some dollars, you can go to ______.

A. the hotel shop
B. the room staff
C. the front desk

Some team leaders think that the only way to()their team is through cash incentives.However,research proves that money is the last thing you would want to use.

A. arouse
B. encourage
C. incite
D. motivate
[单项选择]I want to have some ______ , please.

A. potatos
B. tomato
C. oranges
[单项选择]It was only after some progress ______ in the use and development of electric current that men began to realize the importance and possibilities of magnetism.

A. had been made
B. would have been made
C. has been made
D. was made
[单项选择]Some researchers have undertaken some psychological studies which prove that many children develop fears of ______ dangers.
A. imagination
B. imaginary
C. imaginable
D. imaginative
[单项选择]Historically, ( ) main material for making tables has been wood, but ( )metal and stone have also been used.

A. the; 不填
B. 不填; 不填
C. the; the
D. 不填; the
[单项选择]In the second paragraph, the word "real" in "real goods" could best be replaced by_________________.

A. high quality
B. concrete
C. utter
D. authentic
[单项选择]In die second paragraph, the word "real" in "real goods" could best be replaced by which of the following

A. high quality
B. concrete
C. utter
D. authentic
[单项选择]Tables, chairs and beds ______.

A. are all furniture
B. is all furniture
C. are all the furnitures
D. is all the furniture
[单项选择]They didn't want to __________ , so they want to __________ .

A. take an exam; be late for school
B. be late for school; take an exam
C. take an exam; walk to school


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