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发布时间:2024-07-29 04:27:33

[单项选择]The rival group ______ held to the peace agreement they had signed.
A. seldom
B. often

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[单项选择]The rival group ______ held to the peace agreement they had signed.
A. seldom B never
C sometimes D. often

A. C sometimes
B. often
C. B never
D. The rival group ______ held to the peace agreement they had signed.
E. seldom
[单项选择]The casualties for the rival Muslin militias were ______.

A. three
B. twenty
C. ninety-four
D. ninety-seven
[单项选择]Japan has begun to rival America ______.
A. producing automobiles
B. to manufacture automobiles
C. in the production of automobiles
D. for automobiles producing
[单项选择]Which of the following statements is in agreement with the main ideas of the second paragraph

A. It is impossible to merely rely on our own effort to create a decent and humane society.
B. Problems of industrial life arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations caused by in equality at work.
C. We have little hope of creating a decent and humane society.
D. Only after we solve the problem of inequality at work first can we create a decent and humane society.
[单项选择]The two countries signed an agreement to reduce their nuclear ______.
A. tornadoes
B. armories
C. hectares
D. heretics
[单项选择]Under the agreement, the nuclear warheads will be ______.

A. controlled by Russia
B. controlled by the Black Sea Fleet
C. disassembled in Ukraine
D. disassembled in Russia
[单项选择]News reports say peace talks between the two countries ______ with no agreement reached.
A. have broken down
B. have broken out
C. have broken in
D. have broken up
[单项选择]The peace talks between rebels and the Zairian government______.

A. have been cancelled
B. are put to a later time
C. took place according to schedule
D. took place ahead of schedule
[单项选择]People who have held these positions of authority are much respected and it will be of benefit to them later in their career.()
A. 担任这权威的人受人尊重,而且以后对他们的事业也很有益。
B. 担任这权威职务的人十分地受人尊重,而且日后对他们的事业也很有益处。
C. 世人尊重担任这职务的人,而且以后有益于他们的事业。
D. 担任这权威职务的人很受人尊重,而且对他们的事业也很有益
[单项选择]When was the international conference held which divided the world into 24 time zones

A. In 1770.
B. In 1880.
C. In 1884.
D. In 1894.
[单项选择]People were not fully aware that peace of mind was very important for health()
A. 人们过去并未充分了解心灵的宁静对健康极为重要。
B. 如果人们能感觉到大脑的平静,那将对健康极为重要,
C. 人们过去对于心灵的宁静对健康的极端重要件并不了解:
D. 大脑的平静对健康极为重要.这一点人们尚未充分意识到。
[单项选择]It was suggested that the agreement ______ before the end of the year.

A. be signed
B. was signed
C. would be signed
D. had been signed
[单项选择]They finally ______ an agreement after ten days of hard negotiation.

A. performed
B. reached
C. drew
[单项选择]The aim of the agreement is to ______.

A. encourage trade in the region
B. crack down on drug smuggling
C. save the declining fishing industry
D. strengthen cross-boarder police presence
[单项选择]The rules stated that anyone who had held office for three years was not ______ for reelection.
A. admirable
B. eligible
C. reliable
D. capable
[单项选择]The view of college education as held by the author seems to be ______.

A. self-contradictory
B. popular
C. unconventional
D. radical


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