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发布时间:2023-11-08 00:24:50

[单项选择]The level of information in the passage above is suited to the needs of all of the following people except ______.
A. an official of a research foundation who identifies research projects for potential funding
B. a state official whose position requires her to alert farmers about possible innovations in fanning
C. a researcher whose job is to identify potentially profitable areas for research and product development
D. a botanist conducting experiments to determine the relationship between degree of mycorrhizal infection and expected uptake of phosphate

更多"The level of information in the pas"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the above passage, the author's main purpose is to ______.

[单项选择]The information in the passage suggests that advocates of the Headland Hypothesis discussed in the passage made which of the following errors

A. Failing to recognize the reciprocal relationship between foraging practices and the availability of carbohydrate-rich species
B. Attributing the trade relations between agriculturalists and foragers to the differences in the nutritional qualities of various rain forest food products
C. Overemphasizing the importance of carbohydrate-rich species to the diet of rain forest foragers
D. Interpreting changes in rain-forest composition to the willingness of agriculturalists to trade with foragers
E. (E) Failing to observe the role of seed-disbursal in the ecological success of the sago palm
[单项选择]The information in the passage suggests that the author is most likely______.

[单项选择]The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions

A. What accounts for the difference in rates of consumption in certain countries
B. What is the numerical factor by which per capita energy consumption exceeds physiological energy requirements
C. Which countries tend to have more sensitive ecosystems, those with small or large populations
D. What factor in calculating sustainability has Witkins neglected to consider in his theory of global development
E. (E) What evidence is there for the notion that higher rates of consumption can be more important than population rates in calculating the impact of development
[单项选择]The passage contains information which would help answer all of the following questions EXCEPT______

[单项选择]The passage supplies information that answers which of the following questions

[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions

A. What do historiographers consider to be the precise difference between a nation and a nation-state
B. What concepts in the field of historiography are considered unambiguous
C. Are tribal areas without national spatial markers ever represented as nations
D. What is an example of a nation represented in supra-national units
E. (E) How does the establishment of national spatial boundaries produce political problems
[单项选择]The passage provides information that would answer which of the following questions

A. What was the average annual amount, in dollars, of minority business receipts before the SBA strategy was implemented
B. What locations are considered to be unfavorable for minority businesses
C. What is the current success rate for minority businesses that are capitalized by MESBIC’s
D. How has the use of federal funding for minority businesses changed since the 1960’s
[单项选择]Based on information in tile passage, the reader can conclude Violet's primary source of conflict stems from her ______.
[单项选择]We can learn from the passage that information can _________.

A. be consumed through use
B. be delivered at a high speed
C. be shared by few people
D. not be reproduced
[单项选择]According to the passage, in the Information Age, a nation will develop faster than the others if it has

A. an abundance of natural resources
B. a highly-developed service industry
C. a better-adjusted educational system
D. many higher wage jobs
[单项选择]We can infer from the above passage that______.

A. all the Americans like to keep cats
B. the cat is called Buddha because he is always quiet
C. the population of a small university is only one third of that of the largest one
D. it is easier for a graduate from a large university with a famous department to de job hunting
[单项选择]According to the passage, Anderson's theory explains the longevity of British colonial authority in India because the British

A. offered great flexibility and authority to the local elites with whom they were obliged to negotiate
B. felt a great temptation to act unilaterally and exercise military authority of their Indian possessions
C. became more deeply enmeshed in the politics of the Indian subcontinent than was strategically appropriate
D. managed to convince the local elites that submission to the British would be economically advantageous for all parties
E. (E) resisted successfully the attempts of local power brokers to revise the terms of their negotiations
[单项选择]According to the passage, Milton' s Paradise Lost could be characterized as______.

A. literature of knowledge
B. expressive of the grandeur of truth
C. a kind of philosophical cookbook
D. infinitely complex in structure
[单项选择]The author of this passage regards Goleman's findings as ______.

A. very important
B. very surprising
C. doubtful
D. meaningless
[单项选择]According to the passage, people's learning activities are possible because they ______.

A. believe that emotions are fundamental for them to stay alive
B. benefit from providing help and support to one another
C. enjoy being rewarded for doing the right thing
D. know what is vital to the progress of society
[单项选择]What's this passage mainly about

[单项选择]What's the passage mainly about


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