Since about 1970, new research has
helped brain scientists understands these problems better. Scientists now know
there are many different kinds of learning disabilities and that they are caused
by many different things. There is no longer any question that all learning
disabilities result from differences in the way the brain is organized. You can’
t look at a child and tell if he or she has a learning disability. There is no
outward sign of the disorder. So some researchers began looking at the brain
itself to learn what might be wrong. In one study, researchers examined the brain of a learning disabled person who had died in an accident. They found two unusual things. One involved cells in the left side of the brain, which control language. These cells normally are white. In the learning disabled person, however, these ceils A. Learning disabilities may result from the unknown area of the brain. B. Learning disabilities may result from damage to a wide area of the brain. C. Learning disabilities may result from abnormal organization of brain cells. D. Learning disabilities may result from problems in the left side of the brain. [多项选择]委托交易品种主要包括:()。
A. 股票 B. 债券 C. 基金 D. 国债回购 [判断题]对公安消防机构责令限期改的营服务场所火灾隐患,各级营销部门应在规定的期限内整改
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在社会主义所有制结构中处于主体地位的是()
A. 公有制经济 B. 国有经济 C. 非公有制经济 D. 三资经济 [单项选择]存在于真核生物线粒体中的DNA聚合酶是
A. DNA-polβ B. DNA-polγ C. DNA-polδ D. DNA-polε [单项选择]胃溃疡X线所见中错误的是()
A. 龛影 B. 充盈缺损 C. 狭颈征 D. 项圈征 E. 黏膜纠集 [判断题]液压油的密度随压力的升高而增大,随着温度的升高而增大(╳)。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下哪项不是恶性骨肿瘤的典型X线表现()
A. 生长迅速,边缘不整 B. 呈膨胀性骨质破坏,病变与正常骨质界限模糊 C. 可出现不同形式骨膜增生且多不成熟 D. 易侵及临近组织、器官 E. 长入软组织形成肿块 [简答题]定修管理的目标?
A. 等于 B. 高于 C. 低于 D. 不能比较 [单选题]1996版和2004版100美元纸币安全线在紫外光下发()光。
A.粉红和黄; B.黄和绿; C.粉红; D.黄。 [单选题]在马斯洛的人类基本需要层次中,最高层次的需要是:
A.爱与归属的需要 B.安全需要 C.自我实现的需要 D.尊重需要 [多项选择]基金合同当事人包括( )。
A. 基金销售代理人 B. 基金管理人 C. 基金托管人 D. 基金份额持有人 [单选题]单线区间跟踪出站调车,须经( )口头准许。
A.车站调度员 B.车站值班员 C.站长 D.列车调度员 [判断题]( ) 凡以快速班列、快运货物班列车次开行的列车一律按基本运行图图定时分统计列车出发、运行正晚点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]苷类指的是()
A. 糖与苷元通过糖的3位碳原子连接而成的化合物 B. 糖与苷元通过糖的4位碳原子连接而成的化合物 C. 糖与苷元通过糖的1位碳原子连接而成的化合物 D. 氨基酸与苷元通过糖的1位碳原子连接而成的化合物 E. 有机酸与苷元通过糖的1位碳原子连接而成的化合物 [单选题] 白土塔蒸煮时,采用的方法是( )。
A.使用低压蒸汽从上向下蒸煮 B.使用低压蒸汽从下向上 C.使用中压蒸汽从上向下蒸煮 D.使用中压蒸汽从下向上 [单选题]1因故间断信息工作连续()个月以上者,应重新学习《国家电网公司电力安全工作规程(信息部分)》,并经考试合格后,方可恢复工作。
A.三 B.六 C.九 D.十二 [多项选择]属于损伤中期的治法为()。
A. 行气消瘀法 B. 和营止痛法 C. 接骨续筋法 D. 补益肝肾法 E. 温经通络法 [单选题]下列金属工件中适宜滚镀的是( )工件。
A.宜粘贴的薄片 B.有棱角的 C.镀层厚度超过10μm的 D.皮箱包角 [单选题]预防龋病的关键环节是
A.控制菌斑 B.控制糖的摄入 C.氟化物的应用 D.增强机体免疫力 E.增强牙的抗龋能力 [不定项选择题]共用题干
I'll Be Bach
Composer David Cope is the inventor of a computer program that writes original works of clas-sical music .It took Cope 30 years to develop the software.Now most people can't_____(51) the difference between music by the famous German composer J. S.Bach(1685-1750)and the Bach-like compositions from Cope's computer. It all started in 1980 in the United States,when Cope was trying to write an opera. He was having____(52)thinking of new melodies,so he wrote a computer program to create the melodies.At first this music was not_____(53)to listen to. What did Cope do?He began to rethink how human beings compose music .He realized that composers,brains_____(54)like big databases. First,they take in all the music that they have ever heard.Then they take _____(55)the music that they dislike.Finally,they make new music from what is_______(56).According to Cope,only the great composers are able to create the database accurately, remember it,and form new musical patterns from it. Cope built a_____(57)database of existing music.He began with hundreds of works by Bach .The software analyzed the data:it______(58)it down into smaller pieces and looked for patterns. It then combined the______(59)into new patterns. Before long,the program could compose short Bach-like works.They weren't good,but it was a start. Cope knew he had more work to do—he had a whole opera to write.He continued to improve the software. Soon it could______(60)more complex music.He also added many other com-posers,including his own work to the database. A few years later,Cope's computer program,called“Emmy”,was ready to help him with his opera. The______(61)required a lot of collaboration between the composer and Emmy. Cope listened to the computer's musical ideas and used the______(62)that he liked.With Emmy,the opera took only two weeks to finish.It was called Cradle Falling,and it was a great _____(63)!Cope received some of the best reviews of his career,but no one knew exactly _____(64)he had composed the work. Since that first opera,Emmy has written thousands of compositions.Cope still gives Emmy feedback on what he likes and doesn't like of her music,_____(65)she is doing most of the hard work of composing these days! 62._________ A.ones B.cases C.others D.sides [单项选择]人绒毛膜促性腺激素的主要生理作用是()
A. 促进排卵 B. 促进乳腺发育 C. 促进黄体溶解 D. 促进子宫收缩 E. 促进骨盆韧带松弛 [单项选择]金属全冠初戴就位困难的主要原因哪项不对()
A. 接触点过紧 B. 基牙表面过于粗糙 C. 组织面有小结节 D. 基牙无倒凹 E. 铸造件变形 [简答题]问题同上
A. 坏账准备 B. 持有至到期投资减值准备 C. 可供出售权益工具减值准备 D. 可供出售债务工具减值准备 [判断题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)如果字符串对象经常改变的情况下,操作String类型比操作StringBuffer类型效率更高。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]模板拆除应在混凝土达到设计强度后方可进行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]采掘工作面过断层是防火的关键时段;加快收作工作面拆除进度,落实()天收作封闭制。
A. 30 B. 40 C. 35 D. 45 [多选题]“振兴中华,从我做起”。在新时代,大学生应当担当起实现中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命,努力做到 ( )
A. 立报国之志 B. 强效国之意 C. 增建国之才 D. 践爱国之行 [判断题]在高速铁路运行区段,使用机车救援动车组时,连挂前,司机须与列车调度员联系,在得到列车调度员已发布邻线限速160km/h及以下的调度命令(妨碍邻线及组织旅客疏散时为已扣停邻线列车)的口头指示后,方可开始作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]监装员需在特种货物装机完毕后与机长交接特种货物机长通知单
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交