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发布时间:2023-10-06 06:21:10

[单项选择]The flower under the sun would ______ quickly without any protection.
A. wink
B. withhold
C. wither
D. widower

更多"The flower under the sun would ____"的相关试题:

[单项选择]If the sun ______ in the west, I would follow you.
A. were to rise
B. was to rise
C. had risen
D. would rise
A. stone: magenta
B. pear: fruit
C. cabbie: green
D. gem: turquoise
[单项选择]Courageous people think quickly and act without hesitation.
A. complaint
B. consideration
C. delay
D. anxiety
[单项选择]They youngest readers will quickly develop good reading skills if they ______.

A. learn to associate the words in a text with pictures
B. are exposed to modern teaching techniques
C. are encouraged to ignore pictures in the text
D. learn the art of telling stories
[单项选择]Their ambitious schemes for making money quickly ______.

A. took a chance
B. came to nothing
C. went into action
D. got to the point
[单项选择]The youngest readers will quickly develop good reading skills if they ______.

A. learn to associate the words in a text with pictures
B. are exposed to modem teaching techniques
C. are encouraged to ignore pictures in the text
D. learn the art of telling stories
[单项选择]Courageous people think quickly and act without ().
A. hesitation
B. complaint
C. consideration
D. anxiety
[单项选择]We are using up our natural resources too quickly and at the same time we are () our environment with dangerous chemicals.
A. protecting
B. saving
C. polluting
D. fighting
[单项选择]AWNING: SUN ::

A. pediment: memorial
B. carapace: movement
C. umbrella: rain
D. tassel: cap
E. (E) instrument: accuracy
[单项选择]Quarter horses can start more quickly, turn more sharply, and run faster over short courses ______ breeds can.
A. than the other
B. other
C. than other
D. of all other
[单项选择]Man closes his eyes quickly when a fly suddenly rushes to his face. We call it the ______ reaction of human being.

A. voluntary
B. stern
C. intrinsic
D. natural
[单项选择]The disease spread very quickly, but thanks to the help of the soldiers, all the people ______ were sent to big hospitals.

A. infect
B. infecting
C. infected
D. being infected
[单项选择]Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in ______.
A. the other
B. some other
C. others
D. these others
[单项选择]The fireman acted quickly because lives were ______.

A. out of danger
B. in despair
C. in danger
D. out of condition
[单项选择]The jet quickly () into the sky and soon went out of our view.
A. ascended
B. launched
C. assessed
D. descended
[单项选择]American university student are usually under pressure of work because ______.


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