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发布时间:2024-01-14 18:17:39

[单项选择]None of the managers said that,()
A. didn't they
B. did they
C. aren't they
D. are they

更多"None of the managers said that,()"的相关试题:

[单项选择][Al be said [B] was said [C] is being said [D] had been said
[单项选择]The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.
A. carry out
B. carrying out
C. carried out
D. to carry out
[单项选择]If teamwork is lacking what should good managers do

A. Tell groups to play as a individuals.
B. Demand each member to play assigned role.
C. Find the problems and take corrective actions.
D. Order groups to compete in a sport.
[单项选择]After long talks about pay, the managers and workers reached a(n) ______.
A. settlement
B. decision
C. conclusion
D. arrangement
[单项选择]Researchers said Monday that having more children will run more risks of developing______.

A. heart disease
B. blood deficiency
C. family or financial problems
D. high levels of fat in blood
[单项选择]What can be said about his income

A. His income is divided into several businesses.
B. His income is different from several other businesses.
C. His income is made up of several sources.
D. His income is decomposed of several sources.
[单项选择]Palestinian witnesses said in a separate incident ______.

A. people were holding a funeral for a man shot to death
B. the Israeli troops fired at an ordinary man very closely
C. the shooting was very sudden and for no reason at all
D. the troops were checking the detailed conditions in the city
[单项选择]The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic. They expect increased tax ______.
A. income
B. revenues
C. privileges D, salary
[单项选择]Finnish President said Finland-China relations had progressed ______ with fruitful co-operation in new and high-tech fields.
A. peacefully
B. highly
C. quietly
D. smoothly
[单项选择]The author said that he was overawed by
A. the beauty of the scene
B. the sight of Damascus
C. the age of the place
D. the world of Allah and Muhammad
[单项选择]It is said that Shakespeare left Stratford because he ______.

A. had a fight with Sir Thomas Lucy
B. was learning to be a landowner
C. stole rabbits from a butcher
D. was fed up with his life there
[单项选择]None of the soldiers was allowed to open fire unless heavy loss was shown to be ______ inevitable.
A. nonetheless
B. otherwise
C. hence
D. therefore
[单项选择]What can be said about the varieties of horses

A. The early horse were larger than the more modem breeds.
B. The only true wild horses left in the 20th century are in the Middle East.
C. The oldest breed of the modem homes is said to be the Arabian.
D. Medieval Knights preferred fast, active horse.
[单项选择]The boy said he wouldn’t eat .
A. any longer
B. no longer
C. any more
D. no more
[单项选择]Although it was none of my business I asked her if the one she was lamenting for was in any way kin.
A. speaking for
B. running risks for
C. pleading for
D. mourning for
[单项选择]Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with______of their parents.
[单项选择]Imagine my vexation when they said they would come to dinner and then didn't show.
A. enlightenment
B. astonishment
C. annoyance
D. contrariness
[单项选择]It' s none of your business. The matter is between ______.
A. him and me
B. he and I
C. him and I
D. he and me
[单项选择]It is said the houses along this street will soon be pulled down.
A. demolished
B. construct
C. pulled off
D. pulled in


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