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发布时间:2023-10-09 23:24:06

[单项选择]The most recognizable differences between American English and British English are in______ and vocabulary.

A. structure
B. grammar
C. usage
D. pronunciation

更多"The most recognizable differences b"的相关试题:

[单项选择]There are ()differences between theory and practice.
A. legible
B. laden
C. radical
D. medieval
[单项选择]Differences between peoples ______ .

A. may gradually disappear because of ease of travel
B. do exist even though different nationalities behave exactly alike
C. will always continue to exist and the world will be a dull place
D. will not exist as one hopes
[单项选择]What is the main difference between most image businesses and Mr. Makin's

[单项选择]There are some differences between the two. I really don't know ______.

A. where to choose
B. which to choose
C. to choose what
D. to choose which
[单项选择]One of the major difference between American and European schools was ______.

A. that American schools were colonial and therefore were under European control
B. that American schools desired to be expressive
C. that American schools emphasized the need of intellectual freedom
D. that American schools were for common citizens while European schools were for nobles
[单项选择]The conversation most probably takes place between

A. a host and a guest.
B. a doctor and a patient.
C. a hotel clerk and a guest.
D. two colleagues.
[单项选择]What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers

A. A doctor and a patient.
B. A brother and a sister.
C. A teacher and a student.
D. Two friends.
[单项选择]Most American children go to school at the age of six.

[单项选择]The American dream is most______ during the periods of productivity and wealth generated by American capitalism.

A. patriotic
B. plausible
C. primitive
D. permissible
[单项选择]Most American newspapers try to entertain their readers because ______ .

A. they have to keep up a good relation with them
B. they have to compete with television
C. they have to write about crime, sex and minor
D. they have to give factual news in an interesting way
[单项选择]______was the most popular American poet of this century. At the age of 87, he was invited to read a poem at the inauguration of President Kennedy.

A. Ezra Pound
B. Robert Frost
C. E.E. Cummings
D. Carl Sandburg
[单项选择]In most American high schools, selling soft drinks is ______.
A. encouraged
B. allowed
C. unlawful
D. unprofitable

Between 1977 and 1981, three groups of American women, numbering 27 in ail, between the age of 35 and 65, were given month-long tests to determine how they would respond to conditions resembling those a board the space shuttle.
Though carefully selected from among many applicants, the women were volunteers and the pay was barely above the minimum wage. They were not allowed to smoke or drink alcohol during the tests, and they were expected to tolerate each others company at close quarters for the entire period. Among other things they had to stand pressure three times the force of gravity and carry out both physical and mental tasks whole exhausted from strenuous physical exercise. At the end of ten days, they had to spend a further twenty days absolutely confined to bed, during which time they suffered backaches and other discomforts, and when they were finally allowed up, the more physically active women were especially subject to pain due to a slight calcium lo
A. many women wanted to take part in the tests
B. the pay was important for the women
C. the women often quarreled with each other so they had to tolerate each other
D. they could 'drink some wine after work

[单选题]Uneven heating modifies air density and creates circulation patterns, resulting in changes in pressure. This is one of the main reasons for differences in _______ between weather reporting stations.
A.altimeter readings
B.altimeter settings


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