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发布时间:2023-10-09 22:44:00

[单项选择]Today, computers are still inferior to man in terms of

A. decision making
B. drives and feelings
C. growth of reasoning power
D. information absorption

更多"Today, computers are still inferior"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Today, the Australian population is still mainly of British ______.

A. descent
B. descend
C. decadence
D. descendant
[单项选择]Today black children in South Africa are still reluctant to study subjects from which they were effectively barred for so long.
A. anxious
B. curious
C. opposed
D. unwilling
[单项选择]The young man still denied()the fire behind the store.
A. start
B. to start
C. having started
D. to have started
[单项选择]Man: Penny's still going to Smith College, isn't she
Woman: No. I heard she transferred to Yale.
Question: What do they say about Penny
A. Penny goes to Smith College.
B. Penny stopped going to Smith College.
C. Penny has just begun school at Smith College.
D. Penny likes Smith College the best.
[单项选择]A man who could ()such treatment was a man of remarkable physical courage and moral strength.
A. bear up on
B. stand up to
C. insist on
D. persist in
[单项选择]What is meant by the term cash

A. Money.
B. Money or credit cards.
C. Credit cards or checks~
D. Checks or money.
A. 血清铁蛋白高,高热,皮疹,白细胞增高
B. RF阳性,抗SSB抗体阳性,尿pH值9.0
C. HLA-B27阳性
D. 补体C3,C4减少
E. 机工手
[单项选择]It seems that the man is most likely a______man.

A. thin
B. fleshy
C. slender
D. delicate
[单项选择]The young man refused ______the old man's advice.

A. to listen
B. to listen to
C. listen to
[单项选择]The author is dissatisfied with the term "environmentalist" mostly because _______.

A. it is ambiguous
B. it is meaningless
C. it has no precise meaning
D. it is useless
[单项选择]"Sandwich" is from a man's name. The man was ______.

A. a Chinese
B. an American
C. an English man
[单项选择]Where did the man live

A. In a village.
B. In a town.
C. In a city.
[单项选择]What does the man mean

[单项选择]Where does the man work

A. At grocery store.
B. At a restaurant.
C. At a supermarket.
D. At a bookstor
[单项选择]How will the man pay

A. He will pay by check.
B. He will have the amount billed to his home address.
C. He will give the woman cash.
D. He will come back to pay when he is bille
[单项选择]What does the man indicate

A. Normally, the ticket is too expensive.
B. Generally, they do not have the opportunity.
C. There are so many people at the weekend.
D. Some of them may not like to go ther
[单项选择]What is the man doing

A. Complaining to the manager.
B. Having a fight with the manager.
C. Buying another pair of jeans.
D. Trying to get his money back.
[单项选择]How long is one term of office for a representative from the House of Representatives in______. America

A. Two years,
B. Three years.
C. Four years.
D. Five years.
[单项选择]According to the author of this passage, the term "stress" can be defined as


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