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发布时间:2024-07-08 04:58:57


Earthquakes are the most lethal of all natural disasters. What causes them Geologists explain them in terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other, this is referred to as the continental drift. About sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is a semimolten bed of rock over which plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of several inches a year. As the plates separate from each other, a new sea floor is formed by the molten matter that was formerly beneath. Volcanic islands and large mountain ranges are created by this type of movement. The collision of plates causes geological instability such as that in California called the San Andreas Fault, located between the Pacific and North American plates. The plates there are constantly pushing and pulling adjacent plates, thereby creating constant tremors and a potential for earthquakes in the area.
Geologists would like to be able to predict earthquakes acc
A. continents are drawing nearer to each other
B. continents are separating
C. continents are 60 miles apart from each other
D. new continents are developing beneath the sea

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Earthquakes are the most lethal of all natural disasters. What causes them Geologists explain them in terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. Continents are floating apart from each other, this is referred to as the continental drift. About sixty miles below the surface of the sea, there is a semimolten bed of rock over which plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate of several inches a year. As the plates separate from each other, a new sea floor is formed by the molten matter that was formerly beneath. Volcanic islands and large mountain ranges are created by this type of movement. The collision of plates causes geological instability such as that in California called the San Andreas Fault, located between the Pacific and North American plates. The plates there are constantly pushing and pulling adjacent plates, thereby creating constant tremors and a potential for earthquakes in the area.
Geologists would like to be able to predict earthquakes acc
A. employing amateur seismologists
B. observing professional geologists
C. watching animals, wells, and radioactive gas
D. evacuating the population

[单项选择]The natural ______ like earthquakes and volcanoes that have struck the Philippines this year have left the government in financial trouble.
A. problems
B. accidents
C. troubles
D. disasters

Personal interviewing is most effective when all the people to be interviewed are located in a relatively small geographical area. Otherwise, the time and expense spent in travelling from one person to another makes this type of interviewing economically impractical. Personal inter viewing is usually used when the information needed is too complex to be gathered by another technique. For example, a problem being studied may require the interviewer to probe beyond the more superficial answers that might be obtained with another method.
It is sometimes assumed that personal interviewing is the most accurate of all survey re search techniques. Although personal interviewing may be accurate in many cases, human errors may prevent a researcher from obtaining valid results. Questions perceived by the interview wee as an invasion of privacy or threatening in any way will probably produce false of partially true answers. Also, since the interviewer must interpret the respo
A. the interviewer can ask the interviewee questions again in different ways
B. the interviewer can ask the interviewee some personal questions
C. the initial question do not produce the information desired
D. no one is present to clarify questions

[单项选择]Most of all, older men and women must regain the chance to live as free human beings with dignity and respect in ______ with our democratic principles.
A. cooperation
B. connection
C. harmony
D. solidarity.

Passage Two
Among the most enduring of all horrors is the prospect of a slow, painful death. Those who witness the protracted terminal illness of a friend or relative often view the eventual death more as a relief than a tragedy.
But to make life-or-death decisions on behalf of a dying person unable to communicate his or her wishes is to enter a moral and legal minefield. Could a doctor be sued for withholding treatment and allowing someone to dieor for not allowing him or her to die Could it ever be lawful to withhold food and water
Legal moves are afoot which may settle these questions. Recently, a group on voluntary euthanasia proposed legislation to make documents known as "Advance Directives", or Living Wills, legally binding.
An Advance Directive sets out the kind of medical treatment a person wishes to receive, or not receive, should he or she ever be in a condition that prevents them expressing those wishes. Such documents,
A. advises a patient to draw up his Advance Directive
B. refuses to carry out an Advance Directive
C. prescribes a medication that will quicken the death of a terminal patient
D. stops giving medication to terminally iii patient according to his Advance Directive


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