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发布时间:2023-11-18 03:11:09

[单项选择]—How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers —The key () the problem is to meet the demand () by the customers.()
A. to solving; making
B. to solving; made
C. to solve; making
D. to solver make

更多"—How do you deal with the disagreem"的相关试题:

[单项选择]—How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers
—The key ______ the problem is to meet the demand ______ by the customers.

A. to solving; making
B. to solving; made
C. to solve; making
D. to solve; made

Do you know how to deal with money troubles for the future Here is some useful advice for people with money worries.
1. Compulsive deposits (强制储蓄): Force yourself to take 15 to 20 per cent of your monthly income and put it in a separate bank account. This won’t upset your life a great deal and will give you a good number of rewards in several years’ time.
2. Separate "wants" from "needs": In keeping your accounts, list different items in two different columns. Check what you need and what you want, meaning things you may not necessarily need.
3. Avoid shopping with friends: You may only buy one blouse when you are shopping alone, but you may also pick up a skirt and a pair of shoes or maybe a luxurious (奢侈的) dinner and two hours of Karaoke if you are with someone.
4. Avoid using credit cards: Bring along only a limited amount of money when you go shopping and spend no more than what you have planned.

A. people sometimes find themselves short of money
B. people feel worried how much money they will have in the future
C. people don't know clearly how to save their money
D. people sometimes are worried about the safety of their money

[单项选择]How do you expect me to do my work with you interrupting me all the time()
A. 你一直期望我和你一起做事
B. 你一直打搅我,怎么能期望我做事情呢
C. 你一直打断我的工作,怎么能指望我
D. 你老是打搅我,我怎么工作
[单项选择]How do athletes deal with their expenses when competing in foreign countries

A. They have to use the prize money of the winners.
B. They have to use the funds raised by the competing nations.
C. It is provided by the host country.
D. It is provided by contributions.
[单项选择]In "How much do you think he earns" how much is ______ of the Sentence.
A. the subject
B. the adverbial
C. the object
D. the complement
[单项选择]A: How did you do with your essay for Professor Smith Scott
B: ______.
[单项选择]W: How did you do with your essay for Professor Black Scott
[单项选择]How do you begin your letter if you write to Peter White

A. Peter White.
B. Dear Mr. White.
C. Mr. Peter.
[单项选择]— How long do you think the meeting will last — _____ — Shall we get started early — OK. Shall we say eight
A. From time to time.
B. At about nine.
C. In the middle of the day.
D. Probably all day.
[单项选择]How long do you think ( ) to finish this urgent task
A. did it take you
B. it will take you
C. will it take you
D. it to take you
[单项选择]How do you know () direction ()
A. which; driving
B. which; to drive to
C. in which; to drive
D. /; flying to
[单项选择]______ How often do you phone your family
A. sometime
B. sometimes
C. some time
D. some times
[单项选择]—How are you getting on with your cleaning Do you need my help
— ______ , but I think I'm all right.


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