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发布时间:2023-10-21 22:03:26


Passage Two
"Youth" and "culture" have been a rather more familiar pairing within sociology than "old age" and "culture". Young people’ s spending on clothes, stereo equipment and cosmetics meant that the "teenager" became a vitally important consumer of leisure goods and services. These features of young people’ s experiences, along with their increasing proportion within the total population, inevitably caught the attention of several influential sociologists who went on to describe and analyze the phenomenon of "youth culture". In recent decades, the situation has changed somewhat. With the aging of the population, it is older people who represent an incasing proportion within the total population, some of whom enjoy relative affluence with high levels of disposable income. Consequently, it is older people, rather than younger people, who are increasingly regarded as important consumers of l
A. The elderly can't work in this stage.
B. The elderly' s lives are full of pleasure during the whole stage.
C. For the elderly, depending on society and death are inevitable finally.
D. The elderly are afraid of death very muc

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Passage Two
"Youth" and "culture" have been a rather more familiar pairing within sociology than "old age" and "culture". Young people’ s spending on clothes, stereo equipment and cosmetics meant that the "teenager" became a vitally important consumer of leisure goods and services. These features of young people’ s experiences, along with their increasing proportion within the total population, inevitably caught the attention of several influential sociologists who went on to describe and analyze the phenomenon of "youth culture". In recent decades, the situation has changed somewhat. With the aging of the population, it is older people who represent an incasing proportion within the total population, some of whom enjoy relative affluence with high levels of disposable income. Consequently, it is older people, rather than younger people, who are increasingly regarded as important consumers of l
A. youth are more familiar with sociology than the elderly
B. the elderly are more familiar with sociology than youth
C. there are more researches on behaviors and life, styles of youth than those of the elderly within sociology
D. there are more researches on behaviors and life styles of the elderly than those of youth within sociology


Passage Two
Two men on a touring holiday of Britain were injured by an explosion in their motor van in the centre of Norwich yesterday.
Shoppers, traders and businessmen in Red Lion Street were shocked by a loud bang, and seconds later the two men jumped over from the vehicle, which had stopped outside Barclays Bank. Several people rushed to give assistance and helped to put out the fire inside the vehicle, a light American truck converted to provide living accommodation, before Norwich firemen arrived.
The men--American Mr. Gary House, aged 25, of Ohio, who was driving, and his passenger Mr. Charles Lynn, 23, of Vancouver--were taken to Norfolk and Norwich Hospital with minor bums. They were allowed to leave after treatment.
"I heard this explosion, it was pretty loud. I thought it could have been a bomb." Said Mr. Webster, manager of the market, who was working in his office in Red Lion Street. "I looked out of the window an
A. Mr. Webster was a witness of the accident.
B. Mr. Webster didn't take a fire extinguisher to the van.
C. Mr. Webster helped to put out of the fire.
D. Mr. Webster was willing to be a helper in the accident.


Passage Two
"Yes, I’ll be ready at nine in the morning. Goodbye, dear, and thanks again. "It had not been an easy telephone call for Mrs. Robson to make. Her daughter had been very kind, of course, and had immediately agreed to pick her up and drive her to the station, but Mrs. Robson hated to admit (承认). that she needed help. Since her husband had died ten years before, she had prided herself on her independence (独立生活). She had continued to live in their little house, alone.
On this evening, however, she was standing at her living-room window, staring out at the SOLD notice in the small front garden. Her feelings were mixed. Naturally she was sad at the thought of leaving the house, as it was full of so many memories. But at the same time she was looking forward to spending her last years near the sea, back in the little seaside town where she had been born. With the money from the sale (出售) of the house, she had bought a little flat there.
A. lack of care
B. old age
C. the small fish tank
D. lack of water


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