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发布时间:2023-12-26 23:50:42


Text 4
Britain’s bosses would have you believe that business in Britain is groaning under red tape and punitive tax levels, inhibiting enterprise and putting British firms at a disadvantage compared with overseas competitors.
As usual, reality paints a far different picture from the tawdry image scrawled by the CBI and Tory frontbenchers. Not only do British businesses pay lower levels of corporation tax than their counterparts abroad but they benefit from the most savage legal hamstringing of trade unionism.
But boardroom fat cats in Britain have one further advantage over their competitors, which is their total inability to feel any sense of shame.
The relatively poor performance since the 1990s of pension investment funds, overseen by the top companies themselves, has brought about a wide-ranging cull of occupational pension schemes. Final salary schemes have been axed in favour of money purchase or have been barred to new employees
A. inefficiency of pension investment funds
B. removal of final salary schemes
C. denial of salary schemes to new employees
D. demand for employees to pay more into pensions fund

更多"Text 4 Britain’s bosses wou"的相关试题:


Text 4
Britain’s bosses would have you believe that business in Britain is groaning under red tape and punitive tax levels, inhibiting enterprise and putting British firms at a disadvantage compared with overseas competitors.
As usual, reality paints a far different picture from the tawdry image scrawled by the CBI and Tory frontbenchers. Not only do British businesses pay lower levels of corporation tax than their counterparts abroad but they benefit from the most savage legal hamstringing of trade unionism.
But boardroom fat cats in Britain have one further advantage over their competitors, which is their total inability to feel any sense of shame.
The relatively poor performance since the 1990s of pension investment funds, overseen by the top companies themselves, has brought about a wide-ranging cull of occupational pension schemes. Final salary schemes have been axed in favour of money purchase or have been barred to new employees
A. the bosses
B. the government
C. the CPAG
D. the employees


Text 1
Have you ever been afraid to talk back when you were treated unfairly Have you ever bought something just because the salesman talked you into it Are you afraid to ask someone for a date
Many people are afraid to assert themselves, Dr. Alberti, author of Stand Up, Speak Out, and Talk Back, thinks it’ s because their self - respect is low. "Our whole set-up is designed to make people distrust themselves, "says Alberti, "There’ s always ’ superior’ around a parent, a teacher, a boss who ’ knows better’. There superiors often gain when they chip away at your self - image."
But Alberti and other scientists are doing something to help people assert themselves. They offer "assertiveness training" courses, AT for short. In the AT courses people learn that they have a right to be themselves. They learn to speak out and feel good about doing so. They learn to be more active without hurt
A. persuade somebody to change his mind
B. answer showing disagreement
C. talk and go back
D. fight bravely

[单项选择]Why does Harvey Coleman have these "Ridiculous belief"

A. He is an ironical person.
B. He was mistreated by someone in authority.
C. He has the privilege of experiencing those procedures him self.
D. He is one of the minorities.
[单项选择]Have you read ()
A. today paper
B. today’s paper
C. today's paper
D. the today’s paper
[单项选择]Have you met Tom recently
A. shortly
B. currently
C. lately
D. probably


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