The rocket engine, with its steady roar
like that of a waterfall or a thunderstorm, is an impressive symbol of the new
space age. Rocket engines have (61) powerful enough to shoot
astronauts (62) the earth’s gravitational pull and land them
on the moon. We have now become space (63) . Impressive and complex as it may appear, the rocket, which was (64) in China over 800 years ago, is a relatively simple device. Fuel that is (65) in the rocket engine changes (66) gas. The hot and rapidly (67) gas must escape, but it can do so only through an opening that (68) backward. As the gas is (69) with great force, it (70) the rocket in the (71) direction. Like the kick of a gun (72) it is fired, it (73) the laws of nature (74) by Sir Isaac Newton when he di A. like B. as C. with D. for [单项选择]軍隊のような規則()の生活は、もうまっぴらだ。
A. だらけ B. まみれ C. ずくめ D. ばかり [多选题]药品经营企业在零售药品时,( )。
A.调配处方应当经过核对 B.对处方所列药品不得擅自更改或者代用 C.对有配伍禁忌或者超剂量的处方,应当拒绝调配 D.必要时,经处方医师更正或者重新签字,方可调配 [填空题]We’ll never forget the day which my classmates and 76.______
I paid a visit to a chemistry factory last week. 77.______ It was a larger one with nearly 2,000 workers. 78.______ It looked a garden and we could see colorful flowers, grass and trees 79.______ anywhere. We also visited some 80.______ workshops and saw workers worked very hard. We 81.______ talked to them and learned a lot. We understood them further. On 82.______ the way home we felt tiring. 83.______ We all thought that we had a very good day. 84.______ We really hoped that we could get more chances of 85.______ leave the school and learn social experience. [单选题]航路和航线之间的管制交接由()负责;加入航线,由()管制部门向()管制部门交接;退出航线,由()管制部门向()管制部门交接。
A.民航、军航、民航、民航、军航 B.军航、民航、军航、军航、民航 C.民航、民航、军航、军航、民航 D.军航、军航、民航、民航、军航 [多项选择]应激性溃疡最常见的原因为()
A. 严重休克 B. 大面积烧伤,脑外伤 C. 服用过量的水杨酸和肾上腺皮质激素 D. 精神因素 E. 进食过多 [多选题]局《铁路旅客运输服务质量规范》中要求乘务人员在接班前充分休息,保持精力充沛,不在( )饮酒。
A.班前 B.班中 C.折返站 D.退乘后 [多选题]下列属于应禁止的柜员行为有( )。
A.保管客户身份证件及复印件 B.保管客户预留印章 C.保管客户存折及存单 D.保管客户遗留的手机 [多选题]当遇()、()、()、施工升降机顶部风速大于()或()表面结有冰层时,不得使用施工升降机。
A.A.大雪 B.B.大雾 C.C.20M/S D.D.导轨架、电缆线结冰 E.E.基础积水 [判断题]物体打击是指由失控物体的重力或惯性力引起的伤害事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]马克思主义认识论认为,能动的反映是( )
A. 摹写和创造的统一 B.可知论与不可知论的统一 C.物质性与精神性的统一 D.真理的本性与实践特点的统一 [单项选择]以下哪项不是二陈汤的组成药物()
A. 半夏 B. 桔梗 C. 茯苓 D. 炙甘草 E. 乌梅 [单选题] 以下哪个不是自动油门的工作方式?
A. TO/GA B. THR REF C. SPD D. THR [单选题] ()仪表由固定的线圈,可转动的线圈及转轴、游丝、指针、机械调零机构等组成。
A.磁电式 B.电磁式 C.电动式 [判断题]( )因货物装载加固不良造成事故,定货物承运单位责任;属托运人自装货物的,定托运人责任,货物承运单位监督检查失职的,追究货物承运单位同等责任。因调车作业超速连挂和“禁溜车”溜放等造成货物装载加固状态破坏而引发的事故,定违章作业站责任。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]简述信息论的观点。
[判断题] 半自动闭塞区段, 通过色灯信号机显示一个绿色灯光, 表示准许列车按规定速度运行, 运 行前方至少有两个闭塞分区空闲。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 一般低碳钢气焊时,冷却速度越快,则珠光体含量越低,而铁素体含量越高。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]进行水域救援时,必须着( ),水下救援需佩戴( ),严禁着消防防护服下水救援。
[多项选择]期货公司的下列( )属于欺诈客户行为之一。
A. 向客户作获利保证 B. 不与客户共担风险 C. 未将客户交易指令下达到期货交易所 D. 挪用客户保证金 E. 用不正当手段使客户发出交易指令 [单选题]下列属于约束性警械的是( )。
A.警棍 B.催泪弹 C.高压水枪 D.警绳 [单选题]低压缸的支承方式一般为(____)。
A.下缸猫爪支承 B.上缸猫爪支承 C.台板支承 D.Z型猫爪支承 [单项选择]( )是上市公司发行的,给予持有该股的投资者在未来某个时间或者一段时间以确定的价格购买一定数量该公司股票的权利。
A. 认股权证 B. 看跌期权 C. 普通股权 D. 优先股权 [填空题]Naturalists have long known that the apes, our nearest relative in the animal 76. ______
kingdom, communicate with one and another through gestures, sounds and facial 77. ______ expressions. But it was always thought that only human beings can use words 78. ______ and sentences. In the 1960s, however, researchers set themselves the task of reach 79. ______ chimpanzees to communicate with humans. At first the scientists tried make them 80. ______ to speak. But no chimp ever managed to acquire a vocabulary of more than four words 81. ______ and even these were spoken with great difficult. The breakthrough came when two 82. ______ scientists from the University of Nevada decided to try America Sign Language, 83. ______ system of gestures used by deaf people. After four years, they had taught their first 84. ______ chimpanzees to use 132 signs correctly to communicate their wants and needs. 85. ______ [多选题]在二次系统上工作前应做好准备,了解(),核对控制保护设备、测控设备主机或板卡型号、版本号及跳线设置等是否齐备并符合实际,检查仪器、仪表等试验设备是否完好,核对微机保护及安全自动装置的软件版本号等是否符合实际。
A.工作地点、工作范围 B.一次设备及二次设备运行情况 C.安全措施、试验方案、上次试验记录、图纸 D.整定值通知单、软件修改申请单 [单选题]消防水泵应保证在火警后( )s 内启动。
A.60 B.30 C.20 D.15 我来回答: 提交