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发布时间:2023-10-05 13:28:49

[单项选择]Nearly all the illegal drug heroin in the United States come through ______.

A. Nigeria and Iran.
B. Burma and Syria.
C. Iran and Syria.
D. Burma and Nigeria.

更多"Nearly all the illegal drug heroin "的相关试题:

[单项选择]Nearly all the illegal drug heroin in the United States come through ______.

A. Nigeria and Iran.
B. Burma and Syria.
C. Iran and Syria.
D. Burma and Nigeri
[单项选择]The United States Food and Drug Administration has shown itself to be particularly wary with regard to alleged "miracle" drugs in recent times.
A. bellicose
B. exhausted
C. cautious
D. strange
[单项选择]The United Nations Conference on Drug Abuse, which took place earlier this year in Vienna, was a very______ meeting.

A. compulsory
B. profound
C. productive
D. extravagant
[单项选择]In the United Kingdom, police officers are not allowed to join _________ or to go on strike.

A. a trade union
B. a choir
C. a political party
D. a club

Text 2
In cities all over the United States, workers spend several hours a day in cars crawling along in traffic to get to offices many miles from home. They experience stress, waste time, and pay a lot for gas, car maintenance, and parking. Once they get to work, they make their way through a maze of cubicles, each with its computer, phone, and file cabinet. Nancy Alley, human resources manager at TBWA Chiat/Day, doesn’t. She stays at home, talking with managers over the phone and faxing in paperwork. Instead of walking down the hall to chat with coworkers, she E-mails them. Nancy is a telecommuter, someone who works some or all of the time at home. Since 1990, the number of U. S. telecommuters has grown from 4.2 million to 9.2 million.
Highway congestion, the high cost of office space, federal clean-air laws, reduced work forces, and lifestyle needs -- all these factors contribute to the growth of telecommuting. What makes it possible is technology.
A. explaining a phenomenon,
B. raising an argument.
C. posing a contrast.
D. using an example.


Heroin addictions today is found chiefly among young men of minority groups in ghetto(犹太人区)areas. Of the more than 60,000 known addicts, more than half live in New York State. Most of them live in New York City. Recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are under 30 years of age.
Narcotic addiction in the United States is not limited to heroin users. Some middle-aged and older people who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted. So do some people who can get drugs easily, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users.
Many addicts admit that getting a continued supply is the main object of their lives. An addict’ s concentration on getting drugs often prevents continuing an education or working at a job. His health is often poor. He may be sick one day from the effects of withdrawal and sick
A. Borrow from their families.
B. By hard working.
C. In an illegal way.
D. The author doesn' t mention it.

[多项选择]处方药(prescription drug,ethical drug)是
A. 只针对医师等专业人员做适当的宣传介绍的药品
B. 必须凭执业医师处方才可调配、购买并在医师指导下使用的药品
C. 无需凭执业医师处方,消费者可自行判断、购买和使用的药品
D. 可经医师诊断后处方配给,也可由患者直接自行购用的药品
E. 必须凭执业助理医师处方才可调配、购买的药品


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