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发布时间:2023-10-13 04:56:26

[单项选择]Clive, a student at Cambridge, will come home next week as university ______ for the summer holidays on the 5th of July.

A. breaks up
B. breaks in
C. breaks down
D. breaks off

更多"Clive, a student at Cambridge, will"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Clive, a student at Cambridge, will come home next week as university for the summer holidays on the 5th of July

A. breaks up
B. breaks in
C. breaks down
D. breaks off
[单项选择]—Can you come here again next Sunday evening
—Sorry, I ______ .

[单项选择]It’s not fair that you come home after a bad day at work and ______ your wife and children.

A. take it out on
B. take out it on
C. take out on
D. take on it with
[单选题] He will come to stay with us for () next month.
A. some time sometime
B. sometime some time
C. sometime
D. some times
[单项选择]David won't be home until next month. Oh, I () too soon--here he is now!
A. will speak
B. speak
C. have spoken
D. had spoken
[单选题]题目 56
George said that he would come to school to see me the next day, but he _____.
[单项选择]Come and see me whenever

A. you are convenient
B. you will be convenient
C. it is convenient to you
D. it will be convenient to you
[单项选择]Earth scientists have come to understand that climate______.
A. is going through a fundamental change
B. has been getting warmer for 10 000 years
C. will eventually change from hot to cold
D. has gone through periodical changes
[单项选择]In western countries, economic crisis usually comes in ______ with serious inflation and unemployment.
A. connection
B. association
C. relation
D. combination
[单项选择]Although heroes may come from different cultures, they ______.

A. generally process certain inspiring characteristics
B. probably share some weaknesses of ordinary people
C. are often influenced by previous generations
D. all unknowingly attract a large number of fans
[单项选择]Weather observations come from all the sources EXCEPT ______ .

A. computers
B. satellites
C. the ground
D. radar
[单项选择]When does the next train leave

A. 7:58.
B. 8:00.
C. 8:18.
D. 8:38.
[单项选择]The public has come to the recognition that education is of primary importance.()
A. denial
B. agreement
C. realization
D. allowance
[单项选择]What kind of difficulties do the sole mothers come across in the labor market

A. They will not be offered the opportunity of promotion.
B. The bosses have a prejudice against them.
C. They are usually lower paid.
D. Their jobs are usually not permanent.
[单项选择]The most important advances made by man come from ______.
A. technical applications
B. apparently useless information
C. the natural sciences
D. the study of philosophy
[单项选择]Scientists have been trying to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls.

A. 科学家们已经努力提出用生物学来解释男孩与女孩间的这种并异。
B. 科学家们已经试图把男生与女生之间的差异用生物来解释。
C. 科学们一直试图从生物学的角度来解释男孩和女孩间的差异。
D. 科学家们已经试图提出男孩和女孩生理上的差异。
[单项选择]Imagine my vexation when they said they would come to dinner and then didn't show.
A. enlightenment
B. astonishment
C. annoyance
D. contrariness
[单项选择]Come to the blackboard and share your opinion with us, ______

A. do you
B. will you
C. shall we
D. don’t you
[单项选择]Only after being asked three times did he come to join in the training of the college football team on Saturday, which made his teacher very angry with him.()
A. 被问了三次后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,他的老师很生气。
B. 叫了三次,他才来参加学院足球队周六这天的训练,这让他的老师很生气。
C. 只有在被叫了三次以后,他才来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这让他的老师对他很生气。
D. 才叫了三次,他就来参加周六学院足球队的训练,这使他的老师很生他的气。


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