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发布时间:2024-07-08 22:19:18

[单项选择]I felt extremely excited as it was the first time that I()abroad at all.
A. have ever been
B. would have ever been
C. had ever been
D. was ever

更多"I felt extremely excited as it was "的相关试题:

[单项选择]—Remember the first time we met, Jim
—Of course I do. You ______ in the library.
A. were reading
B. had read
C. have read
D. read
[单项选择]It was in the park ______ I met him the first time.

A. that
B. where
C. how
D. when
[单项选择]I'll never forget ______ you for the first time.

A. to meet
B. to have met
C. meeting
D. having to be meet-
[单项选择]()for all the problems, I felt I could relax.
A. With solutions founding
B. With founding solutions
C. With solutions to be found
D. With solutions found
[单项选择]It was not the first time he ______ . I think it’s high time we ______ to take him seriously.
A. take us in... begin
B. had taken us in... began
C. has taken us in... began
D. took us in... begin
[单项选择]I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I could not face______day like that.
[单项选择]When James heard the crash of the plane, he felt it a pity that he had not been able to get on the plane.

[单项选择]If I ( ) time I would go to the office.
A. had
B. have
C. have bad
D. would have
[单项选择]When the writer first met Glint, she felt that ______.

A. she should have listened to her friend and met Clint earlier
B. Clint was a nice, dazzling young man
C. Clint could not be really interested in her
D. she would find true love in Clint
[单项选择]It's really time I went home but I'm enjoying myself, so I here a bit longer.

A. am staying
B. have stayed
C. stayed
D. stay
[单项选择]If you see an English policeman for the first time, you will probably notice at once that ______.

A. he often tells people time
B. he is usually very helpful
C. he has a helmet on his head
D. he wears special clothes
[单项选择]Why did the man call Dick back the first time

A. Because he wanted to tell him that he wanted fried chicken.
B. Because he wanted to tell him that he wanted a glass of water.
C. Because he wanted to change a table.
[单项选择]I felt very disappointed about the car exhibition on the street and was about to leave, when a sudden traffic accident attracted my attention()
A. 当我对大街上的车展感到非常失望,正要离开时,一起突发的交通事故引起了我的注意。
B. 我对大街上的汽车展览非常失望,正准备离开,然而一场突然的交通事故吸引厂我的注意力。
C. 我对大街上的车展感到非常失望,在我离开后,又关心起——场起突发的交通事故来。
D. 我对大街上的汽车展览感到非常失望,我准备离开这里,关注一起突然的交通事故。
[单项选择]I felt______to death because I could make nothing of the chairman's speech.
A. fatigued
B. tired
C. exhausted
D. bored
[单项选择]Next time I go there. I______ them about what has happened recently.
A. ask
B. shall ask
C. asked
D. asks
[单项选择]I felt somewhat disappointed and was about to leave ______ something occurred which attracted my attention.
A) unless C) when
B) until D) while
[单项选择]I always ______ the length of time I'll take to do something; therefore, no plan is accomplished yet.
A. esteem
B. underestimate
C. underlie
D. estimate


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