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发布时间:2024-07-05 19:20:30

[单项选择]It was foolish of him to ______ his notes during that important test; now, he got punished.
A. stick to
B. refer to
C. keep to
D. point to

更多"It was foolish of him to ______ his"的相关试题:

[单选题]_______ radar vectoring of an aircraft, the radar controller should inform the pilot that he should resume his own navigation, giving him his position and appropriate instructions.
A.In terminating
B.To provide
C.To commence
D.To determine
[单选题]_______ radar service,the radar controller should inform the pilot that he should resume normal navigation, and give him his position and appropriate instructions.
A.When terminating
B.When providing
C.To determine
D.To exercise
[单项选择]His mother ______ him in his room for failing to do his homework.

A. restricted
B. confined
C. controlled
D. restrained
[单项选择]His father wouldn't give him any money, and ______ lend him any.
A. or he would
B. nor he would
C. nor would he
D. or would he
[单项选择]The accident () him of his sight and the use of his legs.
A. excluded
B. disabled
C. deprived
D. gripped
[单项选择]______his address, I can' t send this book to him.

A. Not knowing
B. Knowing
C. Not know
D. Not known
[单项选择]His parents called him Thomas______his grandfather, Thomas Jenkins.

A. after
B. like
C. as
D. by
[单项选择]I was ______ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived.
A. to
B. on
C. at
D. in
[单项选择]His wealth enabled him to ______ his passionate interest in art.

A. devote
B. engage
C. pursue
D. register
[单项选择]His wealth enabled him to______ his passionate interest in art.

A. devote
B. engage
C. pursue
D. register
[单项选择]I have been on at him to change his character.

A. 我已经注意到他改变了性格。
B. 他改变了性格,我的注意力一直在他身上。
C. 我已经劝过他改变他的性格。
D. 我靠在他身上要他改变性格。
[单选题] What do you think ()()him change his mind?
A. to make
B. made
C. make
D. making
[单项选择]The doctor warned him that his __________ chest pain might turn chronic if not treated in time.

A. perpetual
B. persistent
C. eternal
D. periodic
[单项选择]We' 11 have to keep our fingers crossed for him. The doctor says his chances of complete recovery are only fifty percent.

A. 愿上帝保佑他。医生说他有百分之五十的机会可以完全康复。
B. 我们对他要保守秘密。医生说让他活下去只有百分之五十的希望。
C. 我们希望他能逢凶化吉。医生说他完全康复的可能性只有百分之五十。
D. 我们只能暗地里保佑他。医生们对他的健康连百分之五十的机会都不给。
[单项选择]Peter's father asked him to spend his time on something ______ researching into instead of playing all the time.
A. worthy
B. valuable
C. worth
D. precious
[单项选择]My younger brother couldn't help ______ when his toy car fell into the river.
A. crying
B. to cry
C. cry
D. cried
[单项选择]Failure to follow the club rules ______ him from the volleyball team.

A. disfavoured
B. dispelled
C. disqualified
D. dismissed


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