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发布时间:2023-10-23 06:51:35

[单项选择]Today people in the US account for about ______ percent of the global population.

A. 9
B. 4.6
C. 22
D. 6. 5

更多"Today people in the US account for "的相关试题:

[单项选择]White people account for about ______ of the total population of Americ

A. A. 75%B. 85%C. 45%D. 95%
[单项选择]According to the passage" about US $ 116 billion are required to give minimum comfort to these people by the turn of the century--less than US $ 10 billion per year", do you think which year was the article written

A. 1985.
B. 1990.
C. 1988.
D. 1987.
[单项选择]Which of the following is NOT true about the AU peacekeeping force

A. It has 300 soldiers in all.
B. It will be sent to Darfur.
C. It is to protect refugees from attacks.
D. It is to establish order in Sudan and Chad.
[单项选择]How would you account for the fact that people like their acquaintances in books even more

A. They resemble human friends exactly.
B. They are unfamiliar types we like.
C. They never bore us and hurt our feelings.
D. They let us make many new friends.
[单项选择]How does the writer feel about travel today

[单项选择]The most encouraging fact about the US economy is that ______
A. employment rates have risen faster than expected
B. the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates soon
C. industrial production is reaching its lowest point
D. some economic sectors have become leading industries
[单项选择]Which of the following is TRUE about Syria today

A. Syria has very few Muslims.
B. Syria smaller than it was.
C. Syria lies to the west of the Mediterranean.
D. Syria reaches all the way to the Arabian Desert.
[单项选择]Which of the following statements about today's sports movies is true

A. They simply present the joy of athletic competition.
B. Many of them are mythological.
C. Many of them tell stories about the indomitable human spirit.
D. Many of them aimed primarily at children are highly entertainin
[单项选择]The figures about the US, Europe and Japan in Para. 3 show that from 2001 ______.

[单项选择]Today the public is much concerned about the way ( ).
A. nature is being ruined
B. which nature is ruined
C. on which to ruin nature
D. of nature to be ruined


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