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发布时间:2023-11-17 22:06:12

[单项选择]Seeing the ______ scene, the ______ child held his mother's arm tightly.

A. frightened; frightening
B. frightening; frightening
C. frightening; frightened
D. frightened; frightened

更多"Seeing the ______ scene, the ______"的相关试题:

[单项选择]“..,”, and one of them held out his hand and said, ..." here "held out" means:

A. 放下手
B. 松开手
C. 伸出手
[单项选择]After seeing what disaster he had brought to his family, he ______ of intemperate behavior.

A. admitted
B. confessed
C. repented
D. acknowledged
[单项选择]______seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashamed.
A. By
B. On
C. At
D. For
[单项选择]To judge a child's standard, his marks in a test must be compared with marks gained by ______.

A. others of the same age
B. older children
C. younger children
D. adults
[单项选择]Usually a child's behavior is a ______ of his family environment.
A. recognition
B. reflection
C. return
D. record
[单选题] Hearing his mother’s voice, the child couldn’t wait ()_out.
A. rushing
B. to rush
C. rushed
D. for rushing
[单选题]If, in the case of emergency, the pilot-in-command decides to land _______ , he will be held fully responsible for his decision and all the consequences arising therefrom.
A.on poor weather
B.below the minima
C.when visibility is poor
D.on a rainy day
A. cultivate: crop
B. quench: fire
C. secure: possession
D. care: doctor
[单项选择]If your child has grown up, you may take the child' s things to______.
[单项选择]His eyes look like his .
[单项选择]His strange behavior confirmed his neighbors in their______ that he was guilty.
A. suspicion
B. doubt
C. estimate
D. imagination
[单项选择]His continual severe financial problems kept his mother in a ______ state of anxiety.

A. perpetual
B. eternal
C. everlasting
D. usual
[单项选择]Who was the exalted child

A. Mother Teresa.
B. the author.
C. I.
D. Go
[单项选择]He raised his eyebrows and stuck his head forward and ______ it in a single nod, a gesture boys used then for OK when they were pleased.
A. shrugged
B. tugged
C. jerked
D. twisted
[单项选择]The writer shared some of his stamps with his friends.

[单项选择]The doctor enjoyed both his work and his life. He had never felt any __________ between these two things.

A. conflict
B. constrict
C. constraint
D. construct
[单项选择]Considering his lack of experience, his plan isn't likely to come ______.

A. off
B. out
C. round
D. over
[单项选择]Who's the little child

[单项选择]The famous trial scene between Portia and Shylock comes from_________.


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