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发布时间:2023-10-13 16:27:18

[单项选择]This research has attracted wide ______ coverage and has featured on BBC television's Tomorrow's World.
A. message
B. information
C. media
D. data

更多"This research has attracted wide __"的相关试题:

[单项选择]This research has attracted wide coverage in the ______ and has featured on BBC television's Tomorrow's World.
A. message
B. source
C. media
D. data
[单项选择]Research on friendship has demonstrated that______.

A. every student has five or six friends
B. judges are always influenced by a pretty face
C. ugly people find it harder to make friends than beautiful people
D. we lend to grow fond of people if we dislike them at first sight
[单项选择]The research institute has recruited 25 university graduates ______ in science.
A. majored
B. majoring
C. having majored
D. have majored

Text 2
The World Wide Web has been steadily creating a widespread surge in social capital through E-mail conversations, chat rooms, newsgroups, and e-zones. These ongoing connections are not an underground phenomenon, but a mainstream movement that is rapidly overwhelming traditional business models, according to the authors of another recent book, The Cluetrain Manifesto.
"Our longing for the Web is rooted in the deep resentment we feel towards being managed," writes co-author David Weinberger, a columnist and commentator on the Web’s effect on business. The Cluetrain Manifesto argues that knowledge workers are finding it intolerable that their employers require them to speak in artificial "business voices". The Web has become the ideal alternative: a public place where people can converse in their "authentic voices", outside of an organization’s official communications channel.
Some of the social capital g
A. they can offer help to customers as friends.
B. they ale good at disguising their real purpose.
C. they know how to deceive their on-line friends.
D. they can make more selling through their on-line relations.

[单项选择]Work in parapsychology, ______, has attracted a rel atively small number of scientists.

A. is a very controversial field
B. a field very controversial which
C. which a very controversial field is
D. a very controversial field
[单项选择]It is ______.that has attracted so many people from Eastern Europe to Britain to find their job there

A. state benefits
B. worker-registration scheme
C. the prospect of work
D. unmentioned in the article
[单项选择]Our research has focused on a drug which is so()as to be able to change brain chemistry.
A. powerful
B. influential
C. monstrous
D. vigorous
[单项选择]Our research has focused on a drug which is so _________as to be able to change brain chemistry.

A. powerful
B. influential
C. efficient
D. potential
[单项选择]Research has produced many new ______ that will be used in the manufacture of a variety of goods.
A. hypotheses
B. summaries
C. synthetics
D. emphasize

What attracted so many people ()

A. A political conference.
B. A sports programme.
C. A religious ceremony.

[单项选择]The speaker attracted the audience at the very beginning of the lecture by giving a ______description of his personal experience.

A. global
B. gracious
C. graphic
D. prescriptive
[单项选择]The actors in the theater were attracted to Shakespeare because ______.

A. they found his conversation very interesting
B. he took care of horses for a theatre lover
C. he was familiar with them
D. he had become famous upon arriving there
[单项选择]Which of the following coverage does not cover partial loss or damage resulting from natural calamities. ( )
C. Institute Cargo Clause (B)
D. Institute Cargo Clause (A)
[单项选择]The students are attracted by the ______ of the snow-covered mountains when they look out of the train.
A. notability
B. nobility
C. majesty
D. visibility
[单项选择]Familarity with a wide range of idiomatic expressions, and the ability to use them appropriately______ are among the distinguishing marks of command of English like a native.

A. in context
B. in practice
C. in place
D. in case


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