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发布时间:2023-10-11 13:45:20

[单项选择]The main controversial problem discussed in this passage is_____.

A. the severity of mental illness.
B. the health-keeping of ordinary people.
C. the treatment of mentally impaired people.
D. the dividing line between mental health and illness.

更多"The main controversial problem disc"的相关试题:

[单项选择]They discussed the problem three or four times and finally came to ______.
A. end
B. conclusion
C. result
D. judgment
[单项选择]They discussed the problem three or four times, but could come to no ______.
A. end
B. conclusion
C. result
D. judgment
[单项选择]This problem should be discussed first, for it takes ______ over all the other issues.
A. precedence
B. prosperity
C. presumption
D. probability
[单项选择]According to Professor Kraemer, the main problem in cloning pandas would be the lack of______.

A. host animals
B. funds
C. available panda eggs
D. qualified researchers
[单项选择]What is the main problem that puzzles the readers of the novel

A. Dull story.
B. Complex relationship.
C. Names.
D. Sad endin
[单项选择]Which of the following is the main problem of the current patent system

A. Patent offices have been too lax in granting patents.
B. Most patent offices are swamped by applications.
C. It is probably inhibiting, rather than encouraging, commercial innovation.
D. The quilt of national patent offices and languages
[单项选择]According to the author, the main problem of our environment today is ______.

A. the increase of population
B. the limited energy resources
C. the more serious air pollution
D. the development of technology
[单项选择]The main problem right now is()I have enough time.
A. that
B. whether
C. if
D. which
[单项选择]The author discussed the fourteenth century intending to

A. make a comparison between the state of affairs at that time and at this moment.
B. get a clear picture of what we human beings are really like today.
C. prove what the French medievalist had written in his book was reasonable.
D. find the difference between what can be reflected in history and what can be easily found.
[单项选择]Once the problem of the engine(),all other problems will be readily solved.
A. solve
B. solved
C. is solved
D. will be solved
[单项选择]The principal subject discussed in this passage is ______.

A. the bleak future for the oceans
B. the resources in the oceans
C. the environmental damage to the oceans
D. the climatic changes caused by ocean currents
[单项选择]The president and his advisors discussed matters that ______ to the war.

A. attain
B. pertain
C. retain
D. sustain
[单项选择]The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______ the next year.
A. carry out
B. carrying out
C. carried out
D. to carry out
[单项选择]Having finished lunch, the case was discussed.

A. they discussed the case
B. they had discussed the case
C. the case was discussed
D. the case had been discussed
[单项选择]Based on the logarithmic scale discussed in the first paragraph, how many times can a shotgun blast be more powerful than rock music

A. 10.
B. 100.
C. 1,000.
D. 10,000.
[单项选择]If we had discussed it with the manager, he would have surely agree with it.
A. unnecessarily
B. simply
C. certainly
D. possibly


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