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发布时间:2023-10-18 04:16:06

[单项选择]You see the lightning ______ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A. the instant
B. on the instant
C. for an instant
D. in an instant

更多"You see the lightning ______ it hap"的相关试题:

[单项选择]You see the lightning ______ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.

A. the instant
B. on the instant
C. for an instant
D. in an instant
[单项选择]If you see an English policeman for the first time, you will probably notice at once that ______.

A. he often tells people time
B. he is usually very helpful
C. he has a helmet on his head
D. he wears special clothes
[单项选择]If something urgent happens that prevents you from keeping the appointment, you can change or cancel the appointment immediately.()
A. 假如有妨碍你约会的要紧事出现,你最好作出更改或取消约会的抉择。
B. 假如某事突发,使你不能如期约会,你应迅速对改变或取消约会作出反应。
C. 假如有急事需你另行约会,你可改变时间或及时进行约会。
D. 如果你有急事不能按时赴约,可以立即改变或取消约会。
[单项选择]—Did you see any foreigner present at the party
—She was the only foreigner () I saw at the party.
A. whom
B. that
C. who
D. which
[单项选择]—Did you see the American movie "Titanic" last night
—Oh, yes. Nothing can be ______ touching.
[单项选择]Did you see the film on ( ) television or at ( ) cinema.
A. a; the
B. a; /
C. /; the
D. the; /
[单项选择]Did you see that boy ______ the police over there
A. questioned
B. to be questioned
C. being questioned
D. questioning
[单项选择]I can't ______ my pen. Do you see it

A. see
B. find
C. look
[单选题]题目 125
Do you see the good-looking young man? ( )is a famous Korean film star.
A. He
B. His
C. Him
D. Himself
[单项选择]You can come and see me ( ) you run into difficulty.
A. some time
B. in time
C. whether
D. whenever
[单选题]题目 1
Do you see the good-looking young man? _____is a famous Korean film star.
[单项选择]The weather was crisp and clear and you could see the mountains fifty miles away.

A. fresh
B. hot
C. heavy
D. windy
[单项选择]Speaker A: Good to see you. You look more fit and better.
Speaker B:______
[单项选择]To do anything you like you have to see______with your manager.

A. heart to heart
B. face to face
C. side by side
D. eye to eye
[单项选择]From here, you can see the bridge ( ) construction.
A. in
B. on
C. under
D. with
[单项选择]Man: The suitcase looks heavy. Let me give you a hand.
Woman: ______
[单项选择]You can see movies at ______.

A. the City College
B. the Museum Theatre
C. the City Theatre
[单项选择]Part of the lake has been polluted. You can see the water is covered with ______ oil.
A. a coat of
B. a story of
C. a film of
D. a pad of


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